Amazon is cutting jobs in its Alexa division to prioritize AI innovations


  • Amazon is cutting jobs in its Alexa division to prioritize artificial intelligence (AI).
  • The move aims to align resources with business priorities and generative AI.
  • The affected employees will receive support, including separation payments and job placement assistance.
  • Amazon had previously implemented job cuts in its Devices division and other areas.
  • The company remains committed to enhancing Alexa through generative AI and LLMs.
  • Generative AI is becoming a key focus for Amazon across various applications.
  • Amazon’s financial results show significant profits attributed to generative AI.
  • The impact on Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle and Bellevue remains unclear.

Main AI News:

In a strategic move aimed at bolstering its focus on artificial intelligence (AI), Amazon has announced the elimination of “several hundred” jobs within its Alexa division. The decision, unveiled by Daniel Rausch, Vice President of Alexa and Fire TV, is part of Amazon’s commitment to align its efforts with business priorities and customer-centric goals. Rausch emphasized the importance of maximizing resources and efforts dedicated to generative AI, marking a notable shift in the company’s strategic direction.

While the specifics of the initiatives to be discontinued within the Alexa division were not disclosed, this move underscores Amazon’s intention to harness the power of AI to its fullest potential. The affected employees in the United States and Canada were notified via email, while Amazon plans to extend the notifications to its India-based employees in the following week, with other regions to follow suit.

For some employees, like Ken Obata, a data engineer based in Toronto, the job cuts were unexpected. Obata’s role was centered on enhancing the “fundamental lifestyle of customers,” particularly focusing on Amazon’s smart-home features. Despite the company’s increased emphasis on large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, Obata believes that Alexa still plays a vital role in meeting customer needs and expressed optimism about his team’s contribution to the company’s success.

Obata’s experience reflects the broader trend within Amazon, where AI, particularly generative AI and LLMs, is taking center stage. However, he and others like him who are affected by the job cuts may need to market their AI skills in a competitive job market.

This move comes in the wake of Amazon’s previous job cuts in its Devices division, which oversees products like the Alexa voice assistant, Kindle, smart-home devices, and Echo speakers. The restructuring, initiated last year by then-Senior Vice President Dave Limp, aimed to consolidate teams and programs and ultimately led to approximately 27,000 layoffs.

The recent job cuts also extend to other areas of Amazon, including its gaming division and music streaming team. Despite these changes, Amazon remains committed to evolving and improving Alexa through the power of generative AI, aiming to create a more conversational and interactive experience for users.

Generative AI is rapidly becoming a buzzword at Amazon, with applications ranging from product descriptions for sellers to coding assistance for developers. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is also investing heavily in generative AI, contributing to the company’s robust financial performance. In recent financial results, Amazon reported nearly $10 billion in profits, attributing much of its success to the growing interest in generative AI and other strategic initiatives.

Despite the job cuts, Rausch reaffirmed Amazon’s optimism about the future of Alexa and its unwavering commitment to innovation. Employees affected by the layoffs will receive comprehensive support, including separation payments, transitional health insurance benefits, job placement assistance, and paid time to seek new opportunities.


Amazon’s strategic shift toward prioritizing AI, particularly generative AI, through job cuts in its Alexa division signals a clear commitment to innovation. This move underscores the company’s determination to maximize its resources and align with evolving customer needs. As generative AI becomes increasingly central to Amazon’s operations, it is likely to further solidify the company’s position as a leader in the AI-driven market, potentially influencing and shaping the broader AI landscape.
