Amazon’s AWS Empowers Marketers to Unify Data with AI-Driven Solution


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduces AWS Entity Resolution, an AI-powered analytics service.
  • The service analyzes and links related customer records across various applications and data stores.
  • Marketers can gain deeper insights and create more relevant campaigns with the help of this service.
  • AWS Entity Resolution saves time and resources by eliminating the need to build custom machine learning models.
  • Planned integrations with LiveRamp, TransUnion, and Unified ID 2.0 will enrich records with industry identifiers.
  • Collaboration in data clean rooms will facilitate the connection of common data IDs.
  • The service is set to address data fragmentation challenges and assist marketers in optimizing data management.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to make strides in the analytics realm with the launch of AWS Entity Resolution, an innovative machine-learning-powered service that proves invaluable in analyzing, matching, and linking related records across various applications, channels, and data repositories. With a strong focus on addressing the growing issue of data fragmentation, AWS Entity Resolution offers marketers the much-needed support to delve into deeper customer insights and craft more personalized and impactful marketing campaigns. Already tested and applauded by prominent companies like Best Western Hotels and Merkle, the service’s capabilities have left a positive impression on the industry.

The advent of privacy concerns, underscored by Google’s imminent deprecation of third-party cookies, has presented significant challenges in creating an integrated view of customers. Consequently, digital marketing walled gardens and identity solutions have become increasingly prevalent. In this environment, Amazon Web Services is taking the lead in leveraging cutting-edge machine learning technologies to assist marketers in managing and optimizing their vast quantities of data and identity solutions.

Marketers have long grappled with the complexities of reconciling disparate data pipelines, often fraught with incomplete information. However, with AWS Entity Resolution, these obstacles are set to diminish, offering marketers the capability to devise flexible and configurable workflows to match and link related records from diverse data sources. Joseph Landucci, Director of Technology Management at Best Western Hotels, emphasized the significance of understanding their guests and preferences for delivering exceptional traveler experiences. He acknowledged the challenges in consolidating data from various sources and expressed the need for a unified view of each guest to communicate, personalize, and support their journey effectively.

An undeniable advantage of AWS Entity Resolution is the cost and time savings it brings to companies. Instead of investing resources in building their own models, training analysts on machine learning, and continuously updating data pipelines, organizations can now utilize the service’s dashboard to create rule-based workflows for record-matching and accuracy, customized according to their specific requirements.

AWS has laid out an ambitious roadmap for Entity Resolution’s integration capabilities. Partnerships with LiveRamp, TransUnion, and Unified ID 2.0 are in the works, allowing users to enrich their records with common industry identifiers without moving data outside of AWS or resorting to custom code. Moreover, seamless collaboration with partners in data clean rooms will further enhance the identification of common data IDs across sets and streamline record connections.

AWS Entity Resolution will be initially available in several markets, including the United States (Ohio, N. Virginia, Oregon), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), and European markets (Frankfurt, Ireland, and London), with plans to expand to additional regions in the near future.


Amazon’s AWS Entity Resolution marks a significant step forward in tackling data fragmentation and empowering marketers to harness the potential of their customer data. With its AI-driven capabilities and planned integrations, the service enables businesses to develop deeper customer insights, craft personalized campaigns, and streamline data management. As marketers face increasing complexities in the ever-changing landscape, AWS Entity Resolution emerges as a crucial tool to unlock valuable marketing opportunities in the competitive market space.
