An Illinois professor is examining the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence


  • Professor David Gunkel believes that the development of AI depends on balancing its benefits and drawbacks.
  • AI has been present in some form since the 1950s, and regulations will follow as the technology expands.
  • AI will have consequences such as job loss for certain professions.
  • Colleges and universities need to educate students on the limitations of AI.
  • The Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Task Force is being considered in the Illinois Senate.
  • The task force would address the challenges posed by AI and ensure its responsible and ethical use.
  • The evolution of AI will depend on balancing its benefits and drawbacks.

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As the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, the question of how to balance its benefits and drawbacks becomes increasingly critical. Professor David Gunkel, a communications expert at Northern Illinois University, believes that the development of AI is dependent on our ability to find this balance.

According to Professor Gunkel, AI has been present in some form since the 1950s, when the goal was to recreate human intelligence in machines. As AI technology expands, it is only natural that regulations will follow. In 2020, Illinois enacted the Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, which sets guidelines for employers who use AI in the hiring process.

While the benefits of AI are numerous, Professor Gunkel warns that it will also have consequences, such as job loss for certain professions, including brief legal writers, copywriters, and visual artists. In fact, Professor Gunkel points to recent developments where large language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard are already challenging traditional occupations.

In light of these developments, Professor Gunkel believes that it is imperative for colleges and universities to educate students on the limitations of AI and the importance of writing skills. Currently, there is legislation being considered in the Illinois Senate that would establish the Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Task Force, composed of 20 members, to hold public meetings throughout the state.

This task force would play a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by AI and finding ways to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner. Ultimately, the evolution of AI will depend on our ability to balance its benefits and drawbacks, and this is a challenge that must be tackled head-on.


The growth and integration of AI into various industries is inevitable and brings numerous benefits, but it also poses challenges that must be addressed. Professor Gunkel highlights the need to balance the advantages and disadvantages of AI and the importance of regulations and education. The consideration of the Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Task Force by the Illinois Senate shows a commitment to addressing these challenges and ensuring responsible and ethical use of AI in the market. Businesses should keep an eye on these developments and adjust their strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the curve.


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