Arizona State University Law School now allows applicants to use generative artificial intelligence in their application process


  • Arizona State University Law School now allows applicants to use generative AI in their application process.
  • Students must certify the accuracy of the information submitted through AI tools.
  • The change will be implemented from August onwards.
  • Embracing AI aligns with the university’s mission to prepare future lawyers for technological advancements.
  • The law school offers courses exploring the legal, policy, and ethical aspects of AI in the legal field.
  • AI-generated text’s use and accuracy are critically examined in these specialized classes.
  • The university aims to meet the demand for legal experts comfortable with scientific and technological aspects underlying legal issues.
  • Generative AI levels the playing field for applicants of all economic backgrounds.

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In a groundbreaking move, the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University has recently announced a transformative update to its application process. Prospective students seeking admission to its esteemed degree programs are now permitted to utilize generative artificial intelligence in preparing their applications.

This bold step into the future comes with the responsibility of ensuring the accuracy of the information submitted by applicants. The university emphasizes the need for students to certify the integrity of their AI-generated submissions, highlighting the importance of ethical practices in harnessing emerging technologies.

Starting this August, applicants will be able to leverage the power of generative AI, paving the way for a new era of legal education. By embracing cutting-edge technologies, the law school aims to break down barriers and foster innovation among prospective students.

Willard H. Pedrick Dean and Regents Professor of Law Stacy Leeds expressed her enthusiasm for this revolutionary change, stating, “Our law school is driven by an innovative mindset. By embracing emerging technologies and teaching students the ethical responsibilities associated with technology, we will enhance legal education and break down barriers that may exist for prospective students.

The inclusion of generative AI in the curriculum is expected to prepare students for diverse and dynamic careers across various disciplines. This move aligns with the university’s mission to nurture and equip the next generation of lawyers and leaders, acknowledging the pivotal role of technology in modern legal practice.

The university isn’t stopping at merely permitting AI usage in applications. Alongside this update, the law school offers several specialized courses dedicated to examining the legal, policy, and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence in the legal domain. These courses explore crucial topics such as safety, privacy, security, accountability, discrimination, regulation, liability, and the rights of AI systems.

Delving deeper into AI-generated text, these classes instill critical thinking among students, helping them understand its appropriate application within the legal context. By nurturing a generation of lawyers well-versed in the scientific and technological underpinnings of legal matters, Arizona State University aims to meet the rising global demand for experts who can confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI and its impact on the law.

As one of the most fundamental technologies affecting all aspects of our lives and the law today, AI is reshaping the legal landscape,” the university emphasized.

Recognizing the potential benefits of embracing generative AI, the university firmly believes that this technological tool can level the playing field for applicants, irrespective of their economic circumstances. By responsibly harnessing the power of AI, aspiring lawyers can strengthen their applications and potentially unlock new opportunities for their future.


Arizona State University’s introduction of generative AI in its application process marks a pioneering step towards a more technologically integrated legal education. By embracing AI, the university equips its students with essential skills and understanding for the future of law practice. As AI becomes increasingly fundamental to all aspects of our lives and the legal landscape, lawyers with expertise in AI-related matters will be in high demand, presenting new market opportunities for legal professionals and firms to cater to the growing needs of the AI-driven legal ecosystem.
