Artificial Intelligence Adopted by CHI Health Clinics in Omaha


  • CHI Health is using AI to improve patient outcomes and assist providers and nurses in decision-making.
  • The latest AI program used by CHI Health is the “Patient No-Show Model,” which identifies patients who frequently miss appointments and addresses barriers to care.
  • CHI Health also uses AI tools to identify serious sepsis risks and detect strokes.
  • AI is designed to help medical staff make better decisions and reduce their workload, allowing them to spend more time with patients.
  • Patients are advised to use AI with caution and consult with healthcare providers before taking actions based on AI-generated information.
  • As computing capacity continues to expand, AI is likely to play a greater role in healthcare in the future.

Main AI News:

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, CHI Health is harnessing the power of AI to improve patient outcomes. According to Dr. Steven Leitch, VP of Clinical Informatics, these programs are designed to assist providers and nurses in making informed decisions.

The latest AI innovation in CHI Health’s arsenal is the “Patient No-Show Model,” which was implemented just four months ago. The model identifies patients who frequently miss appointments, enabling the clinic to reach out and address any barriers to care. This model is currently in use at four Nebraska clinics, with plans for a widespread rollout in the future.

In addition to the No-Show Model, CHI Health has two other AI tools that help identify serious sepsis risk and detect strokes using AI in imaging. These programs are designed to help medical staff make better decisions, reducing their workload and allowing them to spend more time with patients.

While AI technology such as ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry, Dr. Leitch cautions patients to use it with caution. AI may provide information, but it is still no match for the human brain. Patients should consult with their healthcare providers before taking any actions based on AI-generated information.

As computing capacity continues to expand, it is likely that AI will play an even greater role in healthcare in the future. With the patient’s best interests at heart, CHI Health is leading the charge in utilizing AI to improve patient outcomes and streamline the healthcare process.


The integration of AI into the healthcare industry by organizations like CHI Health highlights the potential for improved patient outcomes and a more efficient healthcare process. As the use of AI continues to expand in the industry, it is likely to have a significant impact on the market, potentially leading to increased investment and a shift toward data-driven decision-making.

This presents opportunities for businesses in the healthcare technology space to innovate and develop new solutions that harness the power of AI. Overall, the integration of AI in healthcare is a promising trend that holds great potential for the future of the market.
