Artificial Intelligence Assisting in Early Detection of Breast Cancer at US Hospitals


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant advancements in breast cancer screenings.
  • AI can detect early signs of breast cancer years before they would be visible on traditional scans.
  • The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health and Wellness Institute saw a 23% increase in cancer cases after implementing AI.
  • ProFound AI, created by iCad, is designed to identify problem areas on mammograms and estimate cancer risk.
  • AI helps radiologists find tiny cancers, including invasive lobular cancers that don’t form masses in the breast.
  • ProFound AI became the first FDA-cleared AI technology of its kind in 2018.
  • AI has led to less severe therapies for patients diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Luz Torres’ case highlights how AI’s early detection capabilities can save lives.
  • AI is also being used to detect brain cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

Main AI News:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing breast cancer screenings and transforming the way doctors diagnose and treat patients. With advanced AI technologies like ProFound AI, medical professionals are able to detect early signs of cancer that might not have been visible on traditional scans. The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health and Wellness Institute at the Boca Raton Regional Hospital implemented AI during breast cancer screenings and saw a significant increase in cancer cases detected.

According to Dr. Kathy Schilling, the medical director at the institute, even the most skilled breast radiologists can benefit from AI assistance. ProFound AI, created by iCad, is specifically designed to identify potential problem areas on mammograms. The program has studied millions of breast cancer scans and learned to identify potential lesions while estimating the cancer risk. AI helps radiologists find tiny cancers that might have been missed, especially for cases of invasive lobular cancers that don’t form masses in the breast.

In December 2018, ProFound AI became the first AI technology of its kind to be FDA cleared. The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health and Wellness Institute adopted this groundbreaking technology during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in one of the earliest studies on AI’s impact on cancer. The institute found that AI could detect cancers when they were three to six millimeters in size, leading to less severe therapies for patients diagnosed with breast cancer.

AI’s early detection capabilities have had a significant impact on patients like Luz Torres. Despite having no symptoms or suspicion of a health issue, Torres was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer after a routine mammogram. Thanks to the timely detection made possible by AI, she was able to undergo less invasive treatments, such as surgery, and avoid chemotherapy altogether.

Furthermore, AI is revolutionizing not just breast cancer screenings but also the detection of brain cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. By leveraging AI technology, doctors can provide patients with earlier and more accurate diagnoses, resulting in improved patient outcomes and more effective treatment plans. The continuous advancement of AI instills optimism among medical professionals, who foresee its potential to save even more lives in the future.


The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) for breast cancer screenings represent a significant opportunity for the market. The implementation of AI technology, such as ProFound AI, has shown promising results in detecting cancer at earlier stages, enabling more effective and less invasive treatment options. This breakthrough not only improves patient outcomes but also presents new possibilities for healthcare providers and AI technology developers.

The market for AI-powered cancer screening solutions is poised for growth as more institutions and hospitals adopt these technologies. Additionally, the success of AI in breast cancer screenings paves the way for further exploration and application of AI in detecting other types of cancers, such as brain cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. As AI continues to evolve, the market will witness an increased demand for innovative AI-driven solutions, ultimately driving improvements in early detection, diagnosis, and treatment across various healthcare sectors.
