Atlassian Transforms DevOps and ITSM with Generative AI


  • Atlassian introduces generative AI capabilities for Jira and Confluence.
  • Bitbucket CI/CD platform to receive AI integration for streamlined DevOps pull requests.
  • AI-driven code suggestions and automated pull request descriptions enhance developer productivity.
  • Matt Schvimmer, Atlassian’s Agile and DevOps division head, emphasizes stress reduction for DevOps teams.
  • Nearly 10% of Atlassian’s 265,000+ customers are already leveraging Atlassian Intelligence.
  • Use cases include instant user story creation, personalized customer responses, and streamlined workflow requests.
  • Natural language capabilities are coming soon to Jira, simplifying complex concepts.
  • AI’s pervasive role in ITSM and DevOps workflows is set to reduce toil and improve scalability.
  • The impact on IT team size remains uncertain, but human oversight remains essential.
  • Long-term, the talent war in IT and DevOps is expected to diminish.
  • Embracing AI from bottom to top is crucial for optimal adoption.
  • IT teams are advised to evaluate automation opportunities and strategize team restructuring.
  • Machines handling tasks they excel in enable IT staff to deliver higher-value services.

Main AI News:

In a groundbreaking virtual Unleash event, Atlassian has unveiled its transformative generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, now accessible across its Jira and Confluence suite of tools for streamlined IT and DevOps workflows. This game-changing move positions Atlassian as a frontrunner in the industry, promising to redefine how teams manage their operations.

Furthermore, Atlassian is set to integrate generative AI capabilities into its Bitbucket continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) platform, empowering DevOps teams to streamline their pull request reviews. This innovation enables automatic suggestions for code syntax and conventions through a natural language interface. Additionally, developers will have the ability to effortlessly generate pull request descriptions based on commit messages. These enhancements will undoubtedly boost efficiency and collaboration within DevOps teams.

According to Matt Schvimmer, the head of products for Atlassian’s Agile and DevOps division, Atlassian Intelligence will alleviate the burden and stress experienced by DevOps teams, a particularly critical factor in today’s era of rapid application development and deployment.

In an impressive feat, nearly 10% of Atlassian’s extensive customer base, comprising over 265,000 organizations, has already harnessed the power of Atlassian Intelligence since its beta program launch. These organizations have experienced immediate benefits, including the instant creation of user stories within Jira Software tickets, personalized customer responses in Jira Service Management, automated workflow requests through prompts, and the generation of initial test plan outlines in Confluence.

While natural language capabilities are currently available for Confluence, they will soon be extended to Jira, further enhancing the user experience. This capability will prove invaluable in simplifying company-specific concepts, jargon, and acronyms. A beta version of this feature is already accessible for Jira Software and Jira Service Management, with general availability on the horizon.

There is now little doubt that AI will play a pervasive role in reshaping both ITSM and DevOps workflows. As these advancements continue, the potential to reduce the toil associated with these teams will become increasingly tangible. Simultaneously, the scalability of managing ITSM and DevOps workflows will substantially improve.

The pace at which organizations choose to integrate AI into their workflows may vary, but the potential for reduced burnout among IT personnel is an enticing prospect as automation takes over routine tasks. The long-term impact on the size of IT teams remains uncertain, but it is clear that some level of human oversight will always be necessary.

Looking ahead, the protracted battle for IT and DevOps talent, which has persisted for many years, is likely to recede as workflow management becomes more accessible. Organizations will gradually reduce their reliance on a select few specialists, ushering in a more equitable distribution of expertise.

Nonetheless, organizations are well-advised to embrace AI comprehensively, ensuring adoption from both the grassroots and leadership levels. In the interim, IT teams should evaluate processes ripe for automation and strategize team restructuring to accommodate the increasing automation of tasks. Ultimately, the objective is to allow machines to excel in their areas of expertise, empowering IT staff to deliver higher-value services to the business. The future of DevOps and ITSM is being reshaped, and Atlassian is leading the way with its pioneering generative AI capabilities.


Atlassian’s pioneering generative AI capabilities are poised to reshape the DevOps and ITSM landscape, offering enhanced productivity and reduced stress for teams. As AI becomes more pervasive, the market can anticipate greater efficiency and scalability, ultimately leading to a more balanced distribution of expertise and a reduced talent war in the IT and DevOps sectors. Embracing AI comprehensively is key to success in this evolving landscape.
