Auckland Entrepreneur Embraces AI Solutions Following Relentless Crime Strikes


  • Auckland business owner Maree Trow faces repeated thefts at her Stirling Sports shops.
  • Crime toll reaches $100,000, prompting Trow to turn to AI for security.
  • ‘Watchful’ AI system deploys lights, sirens, and cameras to deter criminals.
  • Trow’s store pioneers ‘Watchful’ after its success on construction sites.
  • Trow gains a new perspective by meeting one of the offenders targeting her store.
  • ‘Watchful’ founder Joshua Parsons highlights AI’s role in crime prevention.
  • Existing security networks reduce the cost of implementing ‘Watchful.’

Main AI News:

The landscape of business security has taken a technologically advanced turn in response to the persistent menace of criminal activities. Maree Trow, the proprietor of Stirling Sports Pukekohe, has found herself at the forefront of this transformation after her establishment became a repeated target for theft and vandalism. In an exclusive conversation with AM, Trow recounted the distressing narrative of her shop being subjected to four ram-raids since the preceding December. To compound her woes, another store under her ownership in Thames encountered two similar incidents. Trow approximated the cumulative toll from these incidents, which encompasses restorative measures and fortifications for both locations, at an astronomical $100,000. This encompassed the deployment of cutting-edge CCTV systems and the installation of fortified glass panels worth $ 1,000.

However, Trow’s response to these adversities stands as a beacon of resilience and innovation. In a bid to fortify her premises against potential future breaches, she has harnessed the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) through a revolutionary system named ‘Watchful.’ This state-of-the-art solution capitalizes on AI’s prowess to detect looming threats. Once identified, the system springs into action, deploying an amalgamation of illuminations, sirens, and surveillance cameras to swiftly induce the criminal to retreat. Notably, Trow’s Stirling Sports establishment has emerged as a trailblazer in retail security by becoming the inaugural business to integrate the ‘Watchful’ system, which had already demonstrated efficacy in safeguarding construction sites.

Trow’s plight is far from unique, as many entrepreneurs have experienced firsthand the financial and emotional repercussions of such criminal intrusions. She candidly shared her experiences, revealing the torment of restless nights spent dreading the ominous ring of her phone bearing news of yet another incident. She confessed, “The rational part of your mind acknowledges your powerlessness, but the emotional facet keeps you ensnared in wakefulness.” The toll is profound, with sleep often only fully returning after the predawn hours and a glimmer of reassurance.

In an intriguing twist, Trow’s journey to tackle the issue took her into the unexpected territory of understanding the criminals themselves. Remarkably, she engaged with one of the offenders who had previously targeted her establishment. This encounter proved to be enlightening, unraveling layers of complexity behind criminal behavior. Trow shared, “I met him, a young man who had traversed the youth system and spent six months in a facility in south Auckland. My preconceived notions as a repeat victim shattered as I encountered an astonishing individual with a heartrending story.” Her empathy extended beyond the confines of her business, hoping that this individual had since found a place in mainstream society, making a fresh start.

Joshua Parsons, the visionary mind behind ‘Watchful,’ joined Trow on the AM platform to expound on the groundbreaking technology. The system’s roots lie in the successes it achieved in securing construction sites, an arena where its efficacy was already firmly established. Parsons expounded, “We extracted the technological prowess from our preexisting operations. Over 700 monitored cameras span New Zealand, reporting approximately 300 criminal incidents to the police. Impressively, 80 percent of these perpetrators are compelled to flee upon entering our sites.” This momentum prompted the natural progression into the realm of retail, with Maree Trow’s business becoming the pioneering beneficiary of this transition.

Parsons elucidated that the primary objective of the ‘Watchful’ system is to disrupt the criminal’s intentions, prompting a hasty retreat from the scene. While the perception might be that such cutting-edge AI solutions are financially burdensome, Parsons clarified that their efficiency was complemented by the utilization of existing security networks. He noted, “The true beauty lies in our ability to leverage preexisting security infrastructures. Maree’s CCTV network, although implemented a few years ago, laid the foundation upon which our system seamlessly integrated. The investment required is far from the scale of procuring an entirely new security apparatus.”


The integration of AI-powered security systems like ‘Watchful’ marks a pivotal moment in the market. By expertly merging existing infrastructure with cutting-edge technology, businesses can achieve robust protection against recurrent criminal threats. This transformative approach not only safeguards assets but also offers entrepreneurs newfound insights into the motivations behind criminal actions. As the market embraces such innovative solutions, a broader shift towards proactive security measures is poised to reshape the landscape, empowering businesses to fortify their operations and foster resilience.
