Aware’s AI Data Platform analyzes over 150,000 retail employee conversations, revealing reasons behind high turnover


  • Aware’s AI Data Platform delves into retail employee attrition via AI-driven analysis of workplace conversations.
  • Outperforms Meta’s Llama-2, capturing insights from 150,000 dialogues across major retail brands.
  • Continual listening reveals reasons for the alarming 60% retail turnover rate.
  • Encounters with angry customers contribute to resignations and a 36% surge in negativity.
  • Colleague interactions wield a greater negativity impact than managerial ones.
  • Day-of-the-week patterns impact workplace discussions, with weekends experiencing higher toxicity.
  • Positive discussions center around “work-life balance” and Paid Time Off (PTO).
  • “LMAO” prevails as the favored expression of amusement.

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In the swiftly evolving realm of commerce, traditional approaches like yearly or periodic surveys are proving insufficient to capture the pulse of shifting workplace dynamics. Aware, the trailblazing AI Data Platform driving Experience Management, has delved into the reasons underpinning the conspicuous exodus of retail employees. This study, harnessing the potent capabilities of its cutting-edge AI-driven system, has not only outperformed Meta’s Llama-2 in a direct showdown but has also revealed candid insights gleaned from over 150,000 anonymous workplace dialogues across eight prominent retail brands. These dialogues, sourced from platforms like Reddit and various other outlets, have illuminated the cryptic drivers of a staggering 60% retail attrition rate that has been coined the “Great Attrition” by McKinsey Consulting.

No longer can enterprises afford to rely solely on outdated survey methodologies. The prevailing business narrative requires a more agile, continuous approach – one that heeds the real-time murmurs of employees and customers alike. Aware’s dynamic listening prowess furnishes leaders, both managerial and C-suite, with actionable intelligence into the intricate tapestry of employee and customer experiences. Consequently, this intelligence brings to light the pivotal factors contributing to the alarming turnover rate that has permeated the retail sector.

Armed with purpose-built Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, Aware has vividly depicted the struggles of employees ensnared in a conflict of cultures with customers. This disconcerting portrayal reveals that a staggering 70% of frontline workers grapple with irate customers on a weekly basis, giving birth to the now-popular colloquialism “Karen.” These unsettling encounters have become the catalyst for employee resignations, propelling negativity to surge by an astounding 36%, doubling the prevalence of toxic incidents, and tangibly eroding overall workplace morale for those who opt to endure.

Jeff Schumann, the insightful CEO of Aware, underscores the paramount importance of amplifying the voice of frontline employees. He aptly points out that these voices, often marginalized, are channeled through platforms like Reddit, Glassdoor, and Fishbowl when a sanctioned collaboration channel is lacking. The C-suite’s awareness of these forums as authentic reflections of the employee experience is imperative, as they harbor invaluable insights into daily business operations. In this context, Aware emerges as the linchpin connecting the informal breakroom dialogues to the formal boardroom deliberations, ultimately steering shared success.

Distilling the findings of the study, five pivotal highlights emerge:

  1. The dogma of “The Customer Is Always Right” has unwittingly cast the employee as perennially wrong. Encounters with toxic “Karen” archetypes have a deleterious impact on workforce spirits.
  2. In the realm of negativity’s influence, colleagues overshadow even supervisors. Communications pertaining to coworkers exhibit more pronounced negativity compared to those centered around managers or CEOs, who typically serve as prime targets for critical discourse.
  3. The day of the week surprisingly exerts influence. While Sundays witness a zenith in posts, Thursdays experience a nadir. Thursdays, interestingly, witness the most constructive discussions, whereas Fridays stand synonymous with a proliferation of acerbic or toxic exchanges. The weekend toxicity trend, as evidenced by Aware’s examination of the social media dataset, is a recurrent pattern, not confined to a specific timeframe. Overall, Aware’s comprehensive analysis underscores a 7.5% surge in workplace toxicity during weekends, in contrast to the remainder of the week.
  4. The topic of “work-life balance” emerges as an oasis of positivity, with conversations on themes like Paid Time Off (PTO) radiating optimism.
  5. Within the spectrum of expressing mirth, “LMAO” reigns supreme over contenders like “LOL” or “Haha.”

Debasish Biswas, the sagacious Chief Technology Officer at Aware, elaborates on the platform’s remarkable adaptability and scalability. The system effortlessly assimilates copious volumes of unstructured data originating from diverse workplace contexts. This data undergoes meticulous processing via NLP models, culminating in invaluable insights into the daily experiences of frontline workers. These insights are seamlessly stored in a near-real-time accessible Data Lake, while the system’s precision-laden models, honed over six years of customer data, ensure unparalleled accuracy. The platform’s ability to generate continuous business intelligence and prompt alerts for pivotal events empowers organizational leaders to master their departmental workflows.


The revelations from Aware’s AI-driven study signify a pivotal shift in understanding the dynamics of retail employee attrition. By amplifying the voices of frontline workers, recognizing the impact of negative customer encounters, and unveiling the influence of colleagues in shaping workplace sentiment, businesses are now armed with actionable intelligence to address the “Great Attrition.” The study’s findings underscore the pressing need for organizations to foster positive employee experiences, realigning strategies to mitigate the detrimental effects of toxic interactions. In a market where employee retention is paramount, leveraging AI-driven insights has become a strategic imperative for sustained success.
