AWS Introduces New Safeguards to Enhance AI Accuracy

  • AWS introduces “contextual grounding check” to enhance AI accuracy.
  • Tool requires LLMs to substantiate outputs with reference texts, reducing errors by up to 75%.
  • Safeguards available as standalone API, customizable for different industries.
  • Aimed at boosting trust in AI outputs, crucial for regulated sectors like banking and healthcare.
  • Initiative reflects AWS’s commitment to secure and reliable AI solutions.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is rolling out a groundbreaking feature aimed at bolstering the reliability of its generative AI tools. The new “contextual grounding check” will require large language models (LLMs) to substantiate their outputs with reference texts, potentially reducing erroneous responses by up to 75% in tasks involving retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and summarization.

This innovative tool, part of AWS’s comprehensive generative AI Bedrock platform, adds a layer of assurance by ensuring that AI-generated content is firmly anchored in verified sources. Originally introduced in April, these advanced guardrails are now available as a versatile standalone API, underscoring AWS’s commitment to delivering secure and dependable AI solutions.

According to AWS VP of AI Products, Matt Wood, these measures are particularly crucial for industries such as banking and healthcare, where regulatory compliance and data integrity are paramount concerns. The customizable nature of the contextual grounding check allows users to fine-tune confidence thresholds, ensuring outputs not only meet factual accuracy standards but also remain highly relevant to specific queries.

AWS Responsible AI Lead, Diya Wynn, highlighted the importance of fostering trust in AI systems. She emphasized that organizations can tailor these sophisticated safeguards to align with their specific needs, whether in educational settings, financial institutions, or other critical sectors. By enhancing transparency and accuracy, AWS aims to bolster confidence in AI-generated outputs, facilitating broader adoption and innovation across diverse industries.

This initiative underscores AWS’s ongoing commitment to addressing challenges in AI reliability and security, reinforcing its position as a trusted partner in deploying cutting-edge AI applications that meet the highest standards of performance and integrity.


AWS’s introduction of the contextual grounding check represents a significant step towards enhancing the reliability of AI-generated content. By addressing accuracy concerns and offering customizable safeguards, AWS aims to foster greater trust and adoption of AI technologies across diverse industries, particularly in highly regulated sectors where data integrity is paramount. This initiative underscores AWS’s proactive approach in setting new standards for AI reliability and security in the market.
