AWS TechFest Highlights AI’s Role in Shaping the Future of Business Operations

  • 65% of businesses now use GenAI, up nearly double from 2023.
  • AWS TechFest in Hong Kong attracted over 1,000 participants, training 300+ and showcasing AI solutions.
  • The event focused on automating tasks, reducing costs, and boosting business growth through AI.
  • Specialized tracks targeted solution builders, startups, and independent software vendors.
  • Success stories included etnet improving productivity by 70% with Amazon Bedrock and Datax cutting infrastructure costs by 10-20% using AWS solutions.
  • Butler Asia used AWS GenAI to scale operations in the real estate sector, highlighting global reach and strongsecurity features.
  • AWS tools like SageMaker and Agentic LLM were showcased as key to next-gen business solutions.

Main AI News:

AI is now essential for business survival, with 65% of organizations already using GenAI in daily operations, nearly double the adoption from 2023, according to a McKinsey survey. Recognizing AI’s transformative impact, AWS hosted the ‘AWS TechFest: AI for Every Business’ in Hong Kong on September 3rd, 2024. Over 1,000 AI enthusiasts attended, 300 trained in AI, and 20 partners participated. The event focused on helping businesses streamline operations, automate tasks, and drive growth.

TechFest featured expert-led sessions on AI-powered business transformation, with tracks designed for builders working with large language models (LLMs), startups, and software vendors. Attendees participated in workshops, hands-on labs, and matchmaking sessions with investors. Demonstrations of tools like Amazon SageMaker and Agentic LLM showcased next-gen AI applications, while sessions provided tips for AWS Certification Exams.

Success stories highlighted the tangible benefits of AI adoption. Local financial publication etnet leveraged Amazon Bedrock to improve news production by integrating AI models, achieving a 70% productivity boost. Datax Limited, an automation provider, cut IT infrastructure costs by 10-20% using AWS’s pay-as-you-go model, improving efficiency for their AI-driven subtitling platform, Subanana.

Butler Asia, an AI-powered real estate platform, used AWS GenAI solutions to dynamically scale its infrastructure and meet rising client demands. Co-founder Jonathan Lam credited AWS’s global reach, AI services, and strong security as key growth enablers. As Butler Asia expands, they plan to deepen their use of Amazon Bedrock and IoT services for smart buildings.

AWS TechFest demonstrated how easily AI can be integrated and scaled across industries, allowing businesses to streamline processes, cut costs, and stay competitive. AI is no longer a trend but a powerful tool shaping the future of business.


The rapid adoption of AI, as highlighted by AWS TechFest, signals a major shift in the market. Businesses recognize AI as necessary for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and driving growth. The event underscored the flexibility and scalability of AI solutions, especially with platforms like AWS enabling companies to experiment, personalize, and implement AI technologies efficiently. As more companies embrace AI, the competitive edge will shift toward those that can innovate and automate processes at scale, creating new standards for productivity and efficiency across industries. This growing reliance on AI will likely spur further technological advancements and increased demand for AI-driven tools in every sector.
