Baidu, Huawei, and Alibaba will spearhead China’s efforts to establish national standards for testing large language models


  • Baidu, Huawei, and Alibaba will spearhead China’s efforts to establish national standards for testing large language models (LLMs).
  • The National Artificial Intelligence Standardization Group appointed the leaders of the first LLM task force during the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai.
  • The initiative aims to formulate comprehensive guidelines for LLMs and ensure professional expertise in theoretical research and industrial application.
  • China is further embracing AI with the launch of the Large Model Testing, Verification, and Collaborative Innovation Center.
  • This development signifies China’s commitment to AI innovation and positions the country as a leader in the field.

Main AI News:

Baidu, Huawei, and Alibaba Group Holding have been appointed to spearhead China’s ambitious initiative aimed at developing national standards for testing large language models (LLMs). The National Artificial Intelligence Standardization Group, under the guidance of the Standardization Administration, made this significant announcement at the prestigious World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai.

This pioneering task force marks a crucial step in China’s ongoing efforts to establish comprehensive guidelines for LLMs. Starting in May, the nation embarked on the endeavor to formulate these standards and emphasized the need for a dedicated group to drive the process forward. The appointment of leaders and the formation of a specialized team were key components of this strategy, facilitating the exploration of pertinent research topics.

To ensure the effectiveness and credibility of this endeavor, the group participants are required to showcase a high level of expertise in both theoretical research and practical applications of LLMs. Moreover, they must possess a deep understanding of global scientific and technological advancements, as well as relevant laws, regulations, and standards. The team leaders, in particular, have the additional responsibility of providing research theme suggestions that encompass critical areas such as software and hardware, key technologies, and industrial applications.

China’s commitment to embracing artificial intelligence (AI) is evident through the establishment of new institutions dedicated to its development. The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have recently joined forces to launch the Large Model Testing, Verification, and Collaborative Innovation Center. This center aims to evaluate LLMs comprehensively, ensuring their reliability, and offer valuable ecological services to further advance the field.


The appointment of Baidu, Huawei, and Alibaba as leaders in China’s drive to set LLM standards is a significant step toward establishing comprehensive guidelines for the industry. This initiative demonstrates China’s determination to remain at the forefront of AI innovation and highlights the country’s commitment to ensuring professional expertise and international best practices. The launch of the Large Model Testing, Verification, and Collaborative Innovation Center further underscores China’s dedication to advancing AI technologies. As a market, this development opens up opportunities for businesses to align their strategies with emerging LLM standards and leverage the country’s expertise to drive innovation in various industries.
