Brazil to Pilot Google’s Anti-Theft AI Feature for Android Devices

  • Google announces Brazil as the first test ground for new anti-theft AI feature for Android phones.
  • Feature aims to detect theft and lock device screens using advanced AI technology.
  • Brazil faces significant issue of phone theft, with nearly 1 million reported cases in 2022.
  • Three locking mechanisms offered: AI-based detection, remote locking, and automatic screen lock.
  • Rollout begins in July for Brazilian Android users with devices running Android 10 or higher.
  • Brazilian government introduces Celular Seguro app to complement anti-theft efforts.
  • Celular Seguro app allows users to report stolen phones and block access, boasting 2 million users and 50,000 blocked phones.
  • Collaboration between Google and Brazilian government signals promising prospects for reducing phone theft.

Main AI News:

In a bid to tackle the escalating problem of phone theft, Alphabet’s Google has announced Brazil as the inaugural testing ground for its new anti-theft feature tailored for Android phones. Leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), this groundbreaking initiative aims to detect theft and swiftly lock the device’s screen.

The decision to debut this innovative feature in Brazil stems from the country’s alarming statistics on phone theft. According to the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook of 2023, a staggering nearly 1 million cell phones were reported stolen in 2022 alone, signifying a daunting 16.6 percent surge from the previous year.

During the initial trial phase, users will be presented with three distinct locking mechanisms. Firstly, Google’s AI will be deployed to identify movements typically associated with theft, triggering an automatic screen lock upon detection. Secondly, users will have the ability to remotely lock their devices by inputting their phone number and successfully completing a security challenge from an alternate device. Lastly, the screen will automatically lock if the device remains offline for an extended duration.

Starting July, Brazilian Android users equipped with devices running Android version 10 or higher will gain access to these cutting-edge features. Google intends to gradually introduce these functionalities to users across other nations throughout the course of the year, exemplifying a methodical approach aimed at ensuring the reliability and efficacy of the system before a widespread rollout.

Beyond Google’s endeavors, the Brazilian government has also taken proactive measures to combat phone theft. December witnessed the launch of the Celular Seguro app, empowering users to report stolen phones and block access to them using trusted alternate devices. Notably, the app has garnered significant traction, boasting approximately 2 million registered users and over 50,000 phones successfully blocked as of the preceding month, as reported by the Justice Ministry.

These concerted efforts underscore the pivotal role of technological interventions in addressing the rampant issue of phone theft in Brazil. By amalgamating Google’s state-of-the-art AI capabilities with governmental initiatives like Celular Seguro, there exists a promising prospect for a substantial reduction in stolen phones, thereby fortifying security measures for users not only in Brazil but also on a global scale.


The collaboration between Google and the Brazilian government in testing advanced anti-theft AI technology not only demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing the rampant issue of phone theft in Brazil but also signals significant opportunities for the broader market. The successful implementation of these initiatives could pave the way for similar partnerships globally, fostering enhanced security measures and trust among smartphone users worldwide.
