California Nurses Association protests AI implementation in healthcare

  • Registered nurses and members of the California Nurses Association protest at Kaiser Permanente’s San Francisco Medical Center against AI technology’s unchecked implementation in healthcare.
  • Concerns arise over patient safety compromises and the prioritization of profit over care in the rush to adopt untested AI systems.
  • Nurse representatives emphasize the importance of human expertise and judgment in ensuring safe and equitable nursing practices.
  • The protest coincides with KP International’s Integrated Care Experience conference, highlighting industry-wide concerns over AI integration in healthcare.

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In a demonstration scheduled for April 22nd, registered nurses and members of the California Nurses Association (CNA) will converge at Kaiser Permanente’s San Francisco Medical Center. The purpose? To underscore worries regarding patient safety amidst the rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology within the hospital sector.

Michelle Gutierrez Vo, President of the CNA and a veteran nurse at Kaiser Permanente Fremont Medical Center, voices a sentiment shared by many in the nursing community: while technological advancements can enhance patient care, unchecked AI utilization risks compromising patient well-being for the sake of financial gain. Nurses, she emphasizes, support technological innovation that augments their abilities and improves patient outcomes. However, the current trend towards untested AI implementation undermines the core principles of nursing care.

As the protest unfolds, it coincides with KP International’s Integrated Care Experience conference, highlighting the urgency of the nurses’ concerns. While Kaiser Permanente stands out as an early adopter of AI in healthcare, other hospital systems are following suit, sparking a broader conversation within the industry.

Cathy Kennedy, a longstanding Kaiser nurse, and CNA representative stresses the irreplaceable value of human expertise in healthcare delivery. With over four decades of experience, Kennedy asserts that union nurses remain steadfast in their commitment to person-centered care. She emphasizes the indispensable role of human judgment in ensuring safe and equitable nursing practices.

As the healthcare landscape navigates the complexities of AI integration, the demand for transparency, accountability, and nurse involvement in technological development remains non-negotiable. The CNA’s advocacy underscores the imperative to prioritize patient well-being over profit margins, safeguarding the essence of compassionate care in an increasingly automated world.


The California Nurses Association’s protest underscores the growing apprehension within the healthcare market regarding the unchecked integration of artificial intelligence. As nurses advocate for patient safety and human-centric care, healthcare organizations must prioritize transparency, accountability, and nurse involvement in technological development to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. Failure to address these concerns risks undermining trust and perpetuating resistance to AI adoption within the healthcare market.
