CCC to Host Town Hall on Copyright, Artificial Intelligence, and the Training of Large Language Models


  • CCC, a pioneer in copyright advancement, will host the Town Hall event “The Heart of the Matter: Copyright, AI Training and LLMs” on February 29.
  • Legal experts and CCC executives will discuss the implications of using copyrighted materials in Large Language Model (LLM) training for creators, publishers, and research-driven entities.
  • CCC launched a resource hub, “Intersection of AI & Copyright,” featuring informative content by Prof. Daniel Gervais and Babis Marmanis.
  • Previous CCC Town Halls delved into topics like AI licensing and information integrity in an AI-driven world.

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In the realm of copyright advancement and innovation empowerment, CCC stands as a beacon, championing knowledge acceleration and driving transformative progress. On Thursday, 29 February, at 11:00 EST/16:00 GMT, CCC will spearhead the Town Hall event titled “The Heart of the Matter: Copyright, AI Training and LLMs” via LinkedIn Live, a pivotal discussion not to be missed.

Distinguished legal luminaries, including Prof. Daniel Gervais from Vanderbilt University Law School and Prof. Dr. Noam Shemtov from Queen Mary University of London, alongside CCC’s Executive Vice President & CTO, Babis Marmanis, and Vice President, General Counsel Catherine Zaller Rowland, will converge to dissect the intricate interplay between copyright, AI training, and Large Language Models (LLMs). The focus will be on elucidating the significance of incorporating copyrighted materials in LLM training processes, shedding light on its implications for creators, publishers, research-driven entities, academic institutions, and end-users navigating these AI-infused landscapes.

Tracey Armstrong, President and CEO of CCC, emphasized, “There is a mounting emphasis on the utilization of copyrighted content in training exercises and the subsequent retention and utilization within LLMs integrated into AI systems. Understanding the licensing ramifications necessitates a deep dive into the operational mechanics of these systems, a focal point of our imminent Town Hall.”

In line with its commitment to fostering enlightenment, CCC has launched a dedicated resource hub, the Intersection of AI & Copyright. This repository serves as a knowledge reservoir for creators, publishers, rightsholders, technologists, policymakers, legal practitioners, and industry stakeholders. Recent additions to this repository include Prof. Gervais’ insightful paper, “Collective Licensing and AI,” and Marmanis’ illuminating article, “Heart of the Matter: Demystifying Copying in the Training of LLMs.”

CCC’s penchant for convening expert dialogues on pivotal industry topics is well-established. In a previous Town Hall held in October, the focus was on “AI, Licensing and the Path Forward,” underscoring the efficacy of voluntary collective licensing in ethically leveraging vast troves of copyrighted content within AI frameworks. Another notable event, “ChatGPT & Information Integrity,” delved into the nuanced dimensions of originality and authenticity in an AI-driven landscape, underscoring the exponential proliferation of generative AI tools.

The upcoming Town Hall promises to be a confluence of insightful discourse and actionable insights, serving as a guiding beacon for stakeholders navigating the complex intersection of copyright, AI, and LLMs. Mark your calendars and join the conversation to stay abreast of the latest developments shaping the future of intellectual property and technological innovation.


CCC’s initiative to address the intersection of copyright, AI, and LLM training underscores the evolving landscape of intellectual property rights in the digital age. Understanding the implications and navigating the complexities discussed in the Town Hall will be crucial for stakeholders across industries, shaping future strategies in content creation, licensing, and technological innovation.
