Challenges in Digital News: News/Media Alliance Calls for FTC, DOJ Investigation into Google’s AI Expansion

  • News/Media Alliance urges FTC, DOJ to probe Google’s AI Overviews, citing monopolistic practices.
  • Google accused of misappropriating publisher content, undermining news ecosystem integrity.
  • AI Overviews threaten publisher revenue streams, control over digital advertising.
  • Google’s Site Reputation Abuse policy criticized for excluding vital content categories from search results.
  • Urgent regulatory intervention needed to preserve news ecosystem vitality.

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In a bold move, the News/Media Alliance has penned a missive to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), imploring them to launch a thorough investigation into Google’s monopolistic maneuvers within the digital news domain. At the heart of the matter is Google’s latest foray into generative artificial intelligence (AI), a development that threatens to upend the traditional landscape of digital news publishing.

The focal point of concern for the Alliance is Google’s unveiling of its AI Overviews offering, a feature embedded within its ubiquitous search engine. This innovative tool, while seemingly benign on the surface, has raised red flags due to its utilization of publisher content to curate comprehensive responses to user queries. By leveraging proprietary publisher material, Google not only risks starving content creators of vital traffic but also undermines the fundamental integrity of digital news dissemination.

Google’s unilateral adoption of AI Overviews represents a clear abuse of its dominant position in the digital sphere,” asserts the News/Media Alliance in its correspondence to regulatory bodies. The Alliance highlights Google’s track record of monopolistic behavior, citing the recent trial where the DOJ successfully prosecuted Google for anticompetitive practices in the search market. Now, with its latest incursion into AI-driven content generation, Google stands accused of further entrenching its market dominance at the expense of news publishers.

Danielle Coffey, President and CEO of the News/Media Alliance, warns of the dire consequences of Google’s unchecked expansion. “While AI companies and news publications should ideally coexist, Google’s coercive tactics undermine this delicate balance,” she admonishes. Citing studies showing that a staggering 90% of users never venture beyond Google’s search results page, Coffey underscores the existential threat posed to publishers by Google’s encroachment.

Moreover, Google’s AI Overviews pose a direct threat to publishers’ revenue streams, siphoning off advertising, subscription, and affiliate revenue that would otherwise flow to content creators. By bypassing publishers’ websites altogether, Google not only diminishes their ability to monetize content but also exerts undue control over the digital advertising ecosystem.

The Alliance’s letter also highlights Google’s controversial Site Reputation Abuse policy, which has resulted in the exclusion of certain content categories from search results. This heavy-handed approach not only harms publishers but also disenfranchises millions of readers and businesses reliant on such content for information and engagement.

Google’s actions constitute a double-edged sword, eroding both the economic viability of news publishers and the quality of information accessible to users,” laments Coffey. She emphasizes the urgent need for regulatory intervention to stem the tide of Google’s monopolistic practices and preserve the vitality of the news ecosystem.


This call for investigation into Google’s AI expansion by the News/Media Alliance highlights the growing concerns over monopolistic practices and the erosion of publisher revenue streams in the digital news market. Regulatory intervention is essential to safeguarding the integrity and economic viability of the news ecosystem in the face of technological disruption.
