China Unveils World’s First AI-Designed CPU Chip: Qimeng No. 1


  • China’s Institute of Computing Technology has created the world’s first fully automatic CPU chip using artificial intelligence (AI).
  • The chip, named Qimeng No. 1, was designed without any human intervention and utilized the RISC-V instruction set with a 32-bit architecture.
  • Qimeng No. 1 generated four million logic gates in just five hours, 4000 times more than what GPT-4 could achieve.
  • The chip underwent Linux optimization and performed on par with Intel’s 486 processor in SPEC CPU2000 testing.
  • While AI-designed processors still fall short of current advanced CPUs, the rapid pace of AI technology advancement holds promise for the future.
  • In the next 5-10 years, AI-generated processors are predicted to surpass human-designed ones, enabling anyone to create their own chips.

Main AI News:

The ongoing rivalry between the United States and China shows no signs of abating, and the latest bone of contention lies in the realm of advanced artificial intelligence technologies. In a recent development that has taken the tech world by storm, China has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by creating the world’s first fully automatic CPU chip using artificial intelligence (AI).

According to the “Semiconductor Industry Vertical and Horizontal” report, a team from the Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences leveraged AI technology to conceptualize and design a CPU chip entirely devoid of human intervention. Released in late June 2023, the project’s comprehensive documentation is now available for reference.

Dubbed Qimeng No. 1, or Enlightenment No. 1, this extraordinary achievement utilized the RISC-V instruction set with a 32-bit architecture, based on the BSD Binary Speculation Diagram (BSD) algorithm. In a remarkable feat of computational prowess, this intelligent engine generated a staggering four million logic gates within a mere five hours. To put this into perspective, it’s a remarkable 4000-fold increase in design capacity compared to what could be achieved using GPT-4.

The Qimeng No. 1 chip underwent optimization for Linux, and subsequent SPEC CPU2000 testing demonstrated performance levels on par with Intel’s iconic 486 processor. Manufactured using a 65nm process, this AI-designed marvel boasts a clock frequency of 300MHz.

While it’s important to note that these processors still fall short of the cutting-edge CPUs of today, the rapid pace of AI technology advancement holds promise for the future. It’s highly likely that we will witness further groundbreaking news in this field, contributing to the automated optimization of chip design.

Experts predict that within the next five to ten years, AI-generated processors will not only catch up to human-designed counterparts but even surpass them. This remarkable prospect implies that soon, even those without specialized expertise will possess the capability to create their own chips, signaling a democratization of chip design that was previously unimaginable.


China’s achievement of developing the world’s first AI-designed CPU chip, Qimeng No. 1, is a significant breakthrough. This advancement showcases China’s capabilities in leveraging AI technology to revolutionize chip design. While current AI-generated processors may not match the performance of cutting-edge CPUs, the trajectory of AI advancements suggests a promising future. The democratization of chip design through AI has the potential to reshape the market, enabling individuals without specialized expertise to create their own chips. The implications for the market include increased innovation, competition, and accessibility, driving further advancements in the field of semiconductors.
