Civo ML: Pioneering AI Accessibility in the Cloud-Native Landscape


  • Civo unveils Civo ML, a revolutionary machine learning platform.
  • Three core services: Civo Kubeflow, Civo Recite, and Cloud GPUs.
  • Aims to democratize AI by eliminating technical and cost barriers.
  • Developer-centric approach to empower innovation.
  • Secure and scalable cloud-native architecture expedites AI application development.
  • Partnership with Deep Green for sustainability.
  • Industry-leading pricing starts at $250 a month.

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In a bold move to democratize the world of artificial intelligence (AI) development, Civo, the renowned pure-play cloud-native service provider, has unveiled its groundbreaking machine learning (ML) offering, Civo ML. This visionary ML platform consists of three pivotal services: Civo Kubeflow as a Service (KFaaS), Civo Recite, and Cloud GPUs. These fully managed services are strategically designed to obliterate infrastructural hurdles, facilitate seamless ML scaling, and provide sustainable avenues for executing intensive workloads.

The driving force behind Civo ML is the surging demand for AI-generated insights, and Civo aims to meet this demand head-on by offering a fully managed, auto-scaling ML environment. The beauty of this platform lies in its accessibility, as it empowers developers, regardless of their familiarity with Kubernetes or ML, to harness the transformative potential of AI.

Josh Mesout, the Chief Innovation Officer at Civo, envisions a world where cloud-native technologies are accessible to all, breaking down historical barriers that have hindered the widespread adoption of AI. These barriers include the complexities of AI technology, the exorbitant costs typically associated with AI adoption, and the time constraints that often impede progress.

Civo is on a mission to empower developers, recognizing their pivotal role in driving innovation in today’s digital landscape. By putting developers at the forefront, Civo equips them with the essential tools and resources needed to thrive in the AI arena.

At the heart of Civo’s strategy lies the establishment of a secure and scalable cloud-native architecture, enabling developers to expedite the development process and create AI applications that make a tangible impact.

Josh Mesout emphasizes, “We are removing the barriers that have historically made it challenging to tap into the transformative potential of AI, whether those are technical complexities, high costs, or time constraints.” He adds, “Our developer-first approach, coupled with secure and scalable cloud-native architecture, provides the fastest path to building impactful AI applications.

The three core services within Civo ML each offer unique features. Civo Kubeflow, a fully managed ML platform powered by Kubeflow, simplifies the development, training, and deployment of ML models by providing access to powerful NVIDIA A100 GPUs and popular open-source tools. This streamlines ML processes and eliminates the intricacies of managing foundational infrastructure.

Civo Recite, the second service, delivers precise and rapid transcription capabilities, utilizing cutting-edge speech recognition technology to transcribe audio into text in over 50 languages. While currently in beta for the Civo community, it is set to launch for open access in the near future.

The third component, Cloud GPUs, grants users on-demand access to NVIDIA A100 GPUs boasting 80GB of memory. This service significantly accelerates computation-intensive workloads and scales ML training, seamlessly integrating with Kubernetes for unparalleled flexibility and usability.

Civo ML is also committed to sustainability through a recent partnership with Deep Green, a carbon-neutral computing provider. This collaboration ensures fully managed, auto-scaling ML development environments, obviating the need for Kubernetes or machine learning expertise. With industry-leading pricing starting at just $250 a month, seamless scaling, and full integration into Civo’s cloud-native ecosystem, Civo ML stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of AI development.


Civo’s launch of the Civo ML platform signifies a pivotal shift in the AI market. By simplifying AI development and making it accessible to developers of all levels, Civo is poised to disrupt the industry. With an emphasis on affordability, scalability, and sustainability, Civo is well-positioned to drive widespread adoption of AI technologies in the cloud-native landscape.
