ClimSim: Elevating Climate Research with Multi-Scale Simulation Data


  • HybridML blends machine learning and climate simulation for precise and cost-effective climate predictions.
  • Existing climate simulators struggle with fine-scale physics like cloud formation.
  • Multi-scale techniques bridge the gap, but the lack of suitable data hampers progress.
  • ClimSim, a comprehensive dataset, empowers ML specialists to enhance climate models.
  • This breakthrough promises more accurate and efficient long-term climate forecasts.

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In the realm of climate change policy and research, numerical physical simulations serve as the bedrock upon which decisions are made. These simulations, powered by cutting-edge supercomputers, aim to capture the intricacies of our planet’s climate dynamics, including the elusive physics of clouds and heavy precipitation. Yet, the complexity of Earth’s systems imposes limitations on the spatial resolutions achievable in these simulations. Enter “parameterizations” – mathematical approximations of smaller-scale phenomena, often leading to unintended errors that could impact our climate projections.

The game-changer lies in the fusion of machine learning (ML) and climate simulation – an approach that promises more precision at a reduced computational cost. While current climate simulations typically resolve features at scales of 80–200 km, effective cloud formation descriptions necessitate resolutions as fine as 100 meters, demanding a monumental increase in computing power.

ML steps in to bridge this gap. HybridML climate simulators marry ML’s ability to emulate small-scale physics with traditional numerical methods for tackling large-scale fluid dynamics in Earth’s atmosphere. Rather than relying on heuristic guesswork, these emulators learn directly from data generated by high-resolution simulations, solving the regression problem by predicting large-scale climate outputs based on unresolved sub-resolution physics.

Although promising proofs of concept have emerged, operational deployment of hybrid-ML climate simulations faces a key challenge – acquiring sufficient training data. To control sub-resolution physics effectively, training data must encompass all macro-scale factors. However, obtaining this data from consistently high-resolution simulations proves costly and problematic when integrated into the broader climate simulation framework.

This is where multi-scale climate simulation techniques come into play. By offering a seamless bridge between planetary-scale dynamics and high-resolution physics, they pave the way for tractable hybrid coupled simulations. Unfortunately, the scarcity of suitable datasets and the complexity of operational simulation codes have hindered the application of multi-scale approaches.

Enter ClimSim, the culmination of efforts by a diverse team of researchers from over 20 esteemed institutions. ClimSim is a game-changing dataset, offering comprehensive inputs and outputs from multi-scale physical climate simulations. Developed to ease the entry barriers for ML specialists, ClimSim serves as a benchmark dataset, enabling the construction of robust frameworks for modeling cloud physics, rainfall parameterizations, and their interactions with sub-resolution phenomena. By facilitating seamless integration within coarse-resolution climate simulators, these frameworks enhance long-term forecasting accuracy and overall performance.


The introduction of ClimSim, a pioneering multi-scale simulation dataset, marks a significant milestone in climate research. By combining machine learning and physics, it has the potential to revolutionize climate simulations, making them more precise and cost-effective. This development opens up new opportunities in the market for climate research, enabling better decision-making and forecasting in the face of climate change challenges.
