Collaborative AI Security Summit Sets the Stage for Industry Advancement


  • OASIS Open and Cisco jointly organized the AI Security Summit, a significant industry event, on November 30, 2023.
  • The summit attracted over 1,200 participants, both in-person and virtually, featuring expert speakers who explored key AI security challenges and opportunities.
  • Topics included top AI threats, vulnerability management, monitoring AI implementations, upcoming regulations, and addressing AI-enhanced disinformation.
  • Emphasis was placed on the importance of collaboration and industry standards to address the dynamic nature of AI threats.
  • Omar Santos of Cisco and Jamie Clark of OASIS Open highlighted the event’s success and the need for ongoing collaboration in AI security efforts.
  • OASIS Open expressed gratitude to Cisco for hosting the event, signaling a bright future for AI security.

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In a groundbreaking event that brought together industry experts and thought leaders, OASIS Open and Cisco jointly organized the AI Security Summit on November 30, 2023. This summit proved to be an exceptional platform where experts delved into the pressing challenges and opportunities in the realm of AI security. With an emphasis on the importance of collaboration, the event highlighted key takeaways and insights that are poised to shape the future of AI security.

A Confluence of Minds

The AI Security Summit, a day-long event, featured a diverse lineup of speakers and panelists who provided unique insights and expertise on the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. Attendees, both in-person at Cisco’s Research Triangle Park, N.C. offices and virtually, witnessed a gathering of over 1,200 individuals passionate about AI security.

The summit explored a wide range of topics, including the top AI threats and risks, AI vulnerability management and disclosure, challenges in monitoring AI implementations, upcoming regulations, and the critical issue of combating AI-enhanced disinformation. What became abundantly clear throughout the event was the necessity of building meaningful connections within the cybersecurity and AI communities. This need for collaboration and the establishment of industry standards was emphasized as crucial strategies to combat the ever-evolving landscape of AI threats.

A Resounding Call for Collaboration

Omar Santos, a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco, expressed his enthusiasm about the summit’s success, saying, “We had an incredible turnout, both virtually and in-person, for our inaugural AI Security Summit. There were impressive speakers and panelists whose insights enriched the discussions on the challenges in AI security. We have a shared commitment to advancing our understanding and practices in AI security, and this event really set the tone for ongoing collaboration within the AI and cybersecurity communities.”

Jamie Clark, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at OASIS Open, echoed Santos’ sentiments, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing the evolving challenges in AI security. “As we reflect on the event, it is clear that the collaboration sparked at the summit will reverberate in ongoing efforts to advance AI security standards. OASIS and its members will continue to strive to secure the increasingly interconnected world of AI. It’s events like these that propel our industry forward,” said Clark.

A Bright Future for AI Security

OASIS Open expressed gratitude to Cisco for hosting the inaugural summit and commended all participants for their contributions to a successful event. The day was marked by dynamic and thought-provoking discussions, showcasing the significance of continued dialogue as AI continues to evolve.


The AI Security Summit organized by OASIS Open and Cisco served as a pivotal moment for the AI and cybersecurity communities. It underscored the imperative of collaboration, the need for standards, and the shared commitment to securing AI in an ever-changing world. As AI technology advances, events like these will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of AI security, ensuring a safer and more secure digital landscape for all.
