Council of Europe’s CDMSI adopts new guidelines for AI systems in journalism


  • Council of Europe’s CDMSI adopts Guidelines on responsible AI in journalism.
  • Guidelines emphasize the rule of law and human rights in public communication.
  • Practical guidance for news media, tech providers, and states on AI usage in journalism.
  • Covers AI’s role from decision-making to its societal impact.
  • Calls for responsibilities for tech providers, platforms, and member states.
  • Developed by media resilience experts alongside future AI framework.

Main AI News:

In a significant stride towards fostering a rule of law-based and human rights-compliant public communication sphere, the Council of Europe’s Intergovernmental Steering Committee on Media and the Information Society (CDMSI) has taken a decisive step by adopting new Guidelines on the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in journalism.

These comprehensive guidelines are poised to make a lasting impact, not only on news media organizations but also on states, technology providers, and digital platforms that are instrumental in disseminating news. At the core of these guidelines lies a clear roadmap outlining how AI systems should be judiciously employed to bolster the production of journalism.

Spanning the entire spectrum of journalistic production, these guidelines address multiple facets, beginning with the pivotal decision to integrate AI systems. They then delve into the acquisition of AI tools and the seamless incorporation of AI systems into professional journalistic practices. Beyond the confines of newsrooms, these guidelines extend their reach to scrutinize the broader implications of employing AI in journalism, specifically focusing on its profound effects on audiences and society as a whole.

In addition to laying out a framework for news media organizations, the guidelines also assign distinct responsibilities to technology providers and digital platforms. Furthermore, they cast a spotlight on the pivotal role that member states can play in nurturing the responsible use of AI in journalism. Member states are encouraged to take the lead in establishing robust standards and offering vital support, including financial incentives, to fuel the development of responsible journalistic AI systems.

It is imperative to note that these guidelines were meticulously crafted by a sub-committee of experts specializing in enhancing the resilience of media. Importantly, their development was parallel to the Council of Europe’s overarching efforts in shaping the future framework convention on AI. This synchronized approach underscores the commitment to ensuring that AI integration in journalism aligns harmoniously with the principles of ethics and responsible journalism. As these guidelines pave the way for the responsible implementation of AI systems in journalism, they serve as a beacon of hope for a more transparent, accountable, and ethically sound media landscape.


The Council of Europe’s newly adopted guidelines for ethical AI integration in journalism mark a significant milestone in ensuring a responsible and human rights-compliant media landscape. These guidelines provide a comprehensive roadmap for stakeholders and emphasize the importance of transparency and ethics, which are increasingly crucial in a rapidly evolving market driven by AI and technology advancements. Adhering to these guidelines will not only enhance the credibility of media organizations but also promote trust among audiences, ultimately strengthening the market’s integrity.
