Cutting-Edge AI Innovation Enhances Heart Failure Detection

  • Leeds researchers developed Find-HF algorithm using AI to detect early signs of heart failure in patient records.
  • Over one million people in the UK suffer from heart failure, emphasizing the need for advanced detection methods.
  • Findings suggest Find-HF accurately predicts individuals at high risk of heart failure and potential hospitalization within five years.
  • Integration of Find-HF into primary care could expedite diagnoses by up to two years, potentially improving patient outcomes.
  • Dr. Ramesh Nadarajah highlights the importance of early detection, particularly for underserved demographics.

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Revolutionary advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are poised to revolutionize the detection of heart failure, presenting a promising opportunity for early intervention and treatment, as highlighted by researchers in Leeds.

Pioneered by experts at Leeds University, the Find-HF algorithm stands as a groundbreaking tool meticulously honed to recognize initial indicators of the condition within patient medical records.

With over one million individuals in the UK affected by heart failure, the imperative for such technological breakthroughs is paramount, notes the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Professor Chris Gale, affiliated with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the University of Leeds, underscores the transformative potential of this technology, emphasizing its ability to unveil crucial insights into patient health well in advance.

Fuelled by funding from the BHF, the research team leveraged a vast dataset comprising records from 565,284 UK adults, subsequently subjecting the AI model to rigorous validation using an additional 106,026 records from Taiwan National University Hospital.

Remarkably, the AI algorithm demonstrated exceptional accuracy in prognosticating individuals at heightened risk of heart failure onset, as well as those predisposed to hospitalization due to the condition, within a five-year timeframe.

Professor Gale, a distinguished cardiologist, heralds the Find-HF platform as a transformative national asset, capable of expediting diagnoses by a staggering two years.

Propelling this innovation into clinical practice, the researchers advocate for its integration into primary care settings, envisioning a paradigm shift wherein general practitioners utilize this technology as a proactive screening tool, facilitating timelier interventions and diagnoses.

Dr. Ramesh Nadarajah, a prominent health data research UK fellow at the University of Leeds, underscores the imperative of early detection, particularly among demographics historically marginalized in healthcare settings.

Harnessing the power of machine learning, these initiatives epitomize a concerted effort to identify and support individuals at risk of heart failure, thus mitigating adverse health outcomes, reducing hospitalizations, and ultimately enhancing overall quality of life.


The development of the Find-HF algorithm signifies a significant breakthrough in the healthcare market, particularly in the realm of cardiovascular disease management. Its potential to detect heart failure earlier, coupled with its integration into primary care settings, not only enhances patient outcomes but also presents lucrative opportunities for AI-driven healthcare solutions providers. This innovation underscores the growing demand for advanced technologies in preventive healthcare and sets a precedent for future developments in AI-powered medical diagnostics.
