’s Innovative AI Context Engine Streamlines AI-Driven Applications with Data and Organizational Intelligence

  • introduces its AI Context Engine™, revolutionizing access to organizational data for AI-driven applications.
  • The AI Context Engine™ enhances data-driven conversations by leveraging contextual knowledge and the knowledge graph.
  • It enables precise responses to complex inquiries, surpassing the limitations of traditional language models.
  • Case studies with WPP and Power Digital illustrate the transformative impact of the AI Context Engine™ on data-driven decision-making.
  • Seamless integration with existing platforms like Microsoft Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise expands its applicability.
  • plans to enhance functionality by integrating with tools like Archie and Eureka™ for improved user experiences.

Main AI News:, the avant-garde data catalog firm poised for the future of artificial intelligence, heralds the introduction of its groundbreaking AI Context Engine™. This pioneering platform is meticulously crafted to unlock vast reservoirs of organizational data securely, empowering teams engaged in constructing and deploying chat interfaces interfaced with Large Language Models (LLMs).

The AI Context Engine represents a paradigm shift, offering teams expedited and reliable access to corporate intelligence—a feat previously unattainable. This launch signifies a pivotal juncture in’s mission to enable teams to harness the full potency of data.

Reinventing Enterprise Data Interaction Dynamics

The AI Context Engine™ orchestrates seamless dialogues with corporate data and wisdom by leveraging them as contextual underpinnings for generative AI through the knowledge graph-infused data catalog and governance framework. Capitalizing on the insights distilled within the knowledge graph, AI-driven applications stand poised to furnish team inquiries with heightened precision. Moreover, the AI Context Engine™ elucidates the trajectory leading to query responses, elucidating the sanctioned data origins and terminologies utilized.

Bryon Jacob, Co-founder and CTO of, affirms, “Our AI Context Engine™ addresses the pressing imperative confronting data teams and decision-makers reliant on data, by fostering accessibility, governance, and explication in unprecedented ways. We are sowing the seeds for a culture where data-centric decision-making reigns supreme.

Illustrating the Utility of the AI Context Engine™

Consider an instance within the insurance domain: an inquiry directed to an LLM might inquire, “What was the loss ratio across our large group health policies in Q4?” While seemingly straightforward, unraveling this query necessitates contextual insights. How does the company compute the loss ratio? How are policies classified by magnitude and type?

General definitions fall short, rendering responses inaccurate and non-contextual. Teams require precise definitions and verifiable usage of terminologies. The AI Context Engine™ harnesses these business tenets to furnish veritable responses, surpassing the efficacy of LLMs in isolation.

Customers Redefining Data Catalog Boundaries with AI

Collaborating closely with clients spearheading AI ventures, the team facilitates the amalgamation of data and organizational acumen with LLMs. These collaborations have spawned a new breed of AI-infused tools and products centered around

WPP, the titan of advertising, engineered a knowledge nexus underpinned by AI, leveraging data to surmount client challenges and enhance data-driven decision-making. Their AI-fueled ideation tool suggests optimal datasets to tackle challenges, driving widespread adoption across 1,500+ users and 70% of WPP agencies on the platform.

Power Digital, a performance marketing juggernaut, erected its AI-driven Nova platform atop, empowering clients with intuitive interactions with their marketing data. By employing a natural language-driven AI interface, clients glean pertinent insights swiftly, akin to consulting a trusted advisor versed in organizational nuances.

For Data Teams: Catalyzing Productivity and Innovation

The AI Context Engine™ seamlessly integrates with the platform, proffering an API/SDK service conducive to crafting AI applications adept at deciphering natural language queries. Organizations can seamlessly integrate the AI Context Engine™ into existing or nascent chatbot services, including Microsoft Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise.

This transformative engine promises to reshape governance frameworks, data operations, and discovery workflows, empowering data teams to extend their purview and influence. envisages augmenting the AI Context Engine™ functionality, integrating with platform tools such as Archie for natural language discovery and Eureka™ for automated data management insights, thereby fostering enhanced user experiences on the platform.


The introduction of’s AI Context Engine™ marks a pivotal advancement in the landscape of data-driven interactions. By seamlessly integrating organizational knowledge and AI capabilities, this innovative platform not only streamlines data access but also fosters a culture of informed decision-making. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven insights, the AI Context Engine™ sets a new standard for efficiency and accuracy, positioning as a key player in the evolving market of AI-driven applications.
