DeepLearning.AI Expands AI Education Portfolio with Strategic Industry Collaborations

  • DeepLearning.AI, led by Andrew Ng, is rapidly expanding its AI course offerings.
  • A new course, “Building AI Applications with Haystack,” focuses on the Haystack framework, developed in collaboration with Deepset.
  • The course includes hands-on projects, such as building a RAG app, a news summarization tool, and a self-reflective agent.
  • Additional courses cover federated learning, pretraining large language models, and optimizing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).
  • Partnerships with Flower Labs, Upstage, and MongoDB drive these educational initiatives.
  • The expanded curriculum covers foundational AI topics and practical applications, catering to various skill levels.

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DeepLearning.AI, under the leadership of Andrew Ng, is rapidly expanding its portfolio of AI courses, introducing innovative programs designed to empower the next generation of AI developers. Among its latest offerings is “Building AI Applications with Haystack,” created in collaboration with Deepset, the masterminds behind the Haystack framework. This course, guided by Tuana Çelik, the developer relations lead at Haystack, delves deep into the framework’s capabilities, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience crafting flexible, scalable, and maintainable AI solutions. Projects include the development of a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) app, a news summarization tool, a functional chat agent, and a self-reflective agent with looping features.

Andrew Ng, the visionary founder and CEO of DeepLearning.AI, continues to set the pace in AI education by introducing courses that cover essential areas like Large Language Models (LLMs) in generative AI, AI applications in medicine, and the TensorFlow framework. These courses are meticulously designed to equip learners with the skills needed to drive the future of technology.

In a testament to its commitment to cutting-edge AI education, DeepLearning.AI has rolled out several new courses this month alone. A course on federated learning, developed in partnership with Flower Labs, enables secure training on private data, reflecting the growing importance of data privacy. Another course, created in collaboration with Upstage, focuses on efficient pretraining of large language models, featuring innovative cost-saving techniques such as depth upscaling. Additionally, a course on optimizing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in partnership with MongoDB introduces learners to advanced strategies like vector search and prompt compression.

DeepLearning.AI’s expanding course offerings are strategically designed to meet the evolving needs of AI professionals at all levels. The organization’s commitment to providing comprehensive education is evident in its diverse topics, from foundational AI concepts like LLMs and diffusion models to practical applications such as chatbot creation and workflow automation using ChatGPT. DeepLearning.AI is solidifying its role as a key player in shaping the future of AI technology and education by continually enhancing its curriculum.


DeepLearning.AI’s strategic expansion of its course offerings through partnerships with industry leaders signals a significant shift in the AI education market. DeepLearning.AI is positioning itself as a premier resource for AI professionals by addressing both foundational and advanced topics and incorporating hands-on, practical projects. This move enhances the skill sets of current developers and prepares a new wave of talent equipped to meet the growing demands of the AI-driven economy. The emphasis on practical applications and real-world collaborations suggests that AI education is becoming increasingly aligned with industry needs, which could accelerate innovation and adoption across sectors.
