Department of Homeland Security Takes Bold Steps to Combat Emerging Threats with AI Task Force and 90-Day Sprint


  • Secretary Mayorkas announced two groundbreaking initiatives to address emerging challenges in homeland security.
  • The first initiative is the establishment of an AI Task Force aimed at leveraging AI to enhance supply chain integrity, combat fentanyl trafficking, combat online child exploitation, and assess the impact of AI on critical infrastructure security.
  • The AI Task Force will collaborate with government, industry, and academic partners and deliver regular updates and reports to Secretary Mayorkas.
  • The second initiative is a 90-day sprint to counter threats posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
  • The sprint will focus on critical infrastructure defense, disrupting the fentanyl supply chain, preventing abuse of the lawful travel system, countering PRC’s economic influence, advancing safety and security in the Arctic and Indo-Pacific regions, and sharing information on PRC threats with partners.
  • The initiatives demonstrate the Department’s commitment to adapt and protect against evolving threats.
  • Secretary Mayorkas engaged in a fireside chat with Margaret Brennan to discuss these initiatives.
  • The Department aims to create a secure and prosperous future through the implementation of the AI Task Force and the 90-day sprint.

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Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas recently revealed two groundbreaking initiatives aimed at countering emerging challenges in his inaugural address on the State of Homeland Security. These initiatives align with the transformative global trends emphasized by President Biden, marking what he terms a “decisive decade.”

The first initiative, the Department’s groundbreaking AI Task Force, addresses the revolution instigated by generative artificial intelligence (AI). The second initiative involves a comprehensive 90-day sprint across the Department to tackle the multifaceted threats posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Delivered at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC, the address also shed light on the core mission areas outlined in the recently submitted Quadrennial Homeland Security Review to Congress. These mission areas encompass combating a diverse range of evolving threats, including cybersecurity breaches, targeted violence, and crimes of exploitation. Secretary Mayorkas’ remarks provided valuable insights into the changing landscape of homeland security over the past two decades since the Department’s establishment, underscoring the modern approach that will shape its path in the coming years.

According to Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas, “The rapid evolution of the homeland security threat landscape demands an equally agile response from the Department of Homeland Security. We must learn from past ‘failures of imagination,’ which hindered our ability to connect the dots and anticipate the catastrophic events that unfolded on that tragic day nearly 20 years ago. Instead, we must embrace a forward-looking mindset that envisions the unimaginable, ensuring that our Department and our nation are fully prepared to confront any future threats that may arise.”

Today’s announced initiatives leverage the vast array of capabilities and expertise possessed by the more than 260,000 dedicated personnel within the DHS. These individuals tirelessly work towards safeguarding our homeland day in and day out. As part of the Secretary’s engagement efforts, he engaged in a fireside chat with Margaret Brennan, the esteemed moderator of CBS’s “Face the Nation” and chief foreign affairs correspondent. This interactive session also featured questions from the audience, which comprised members of an independent foreign policy think tank.

Secretary Mayorkas’ address not only serves as a clarion call to action but also epitomizes the Department’s resolute commitment to adapt, innovate, and protect the nation amidst an increasingly complex threat landscape. With the implementation of the AI Task Force and the comprehensive 90-day sprint, the Department of Homeland Security is poised to confront emerging challenges head-on, paving the way for a secure and prosperous future.

In a groundbreaking move, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) introduced its first-ever AI Task Force, marking a significant milestone in the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into critical homeland security missions. This cutting-edge initiative aims to leverage the power of AI to enhance the integrity of supply chains, combat the flow of illicit substances, combat online child exploitation, and fortify critical infrastructure.

One of the primary objectives of the AI Task Force is to integrate AI technology into efforts to secure supply chains and the broader trade environment. By harnessing the potential of AI, the DHS aims to enhance cargo screening capabilities, identify goods produced with forced labor, and effectively manage risks associated with international trade.

Furthermore, the Task Force seeks to employ AI in the fight against the influx of fentanyl into the United States. Through the strategic use of AI, the DHS plans to improve the detection of fentanyl shipments, disrupt precursor chemical networks, and target key nodes in criminal networks involved in the distribution of this deadly drug.

Another critical area where AI will be employed is in digital forensics to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse. By utilizing AI-powered tools, the Task Force aims to assist in the identification, location, and rescue of victims, as well as apprehend the perpetrators responsible for these heinous crimes.

Collaboration with government, industry, and academic partners is integral to the success of the AI Task Force. Together, they will assess the impact of AI on the security of critical infrastructure, paving the way for innovative solutions to bolster the nation’s resilience.

The AI Task Force will provide regular updates and reports to Secretary Mayorkas on its progress and initiatives across the Department. Within a swift timeframe of 60 days, the Task Force will deliver a concept of operations and milestones outlining the advancement of its priority initiatives.

Additionally, the Task Force will closely examine and implement recommendations from the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) on the intersection of AI and homeland security, ensuring that the latest findings contribute to the Department’s AI efforts.

A 90-Day Sprint to Safeguard Against PRC Threats

In tandem with the AI Task Force, the DHS has launched a department-wide 90-day sprint to confront the multifaceted threats posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This agile and focused approach aims to mitigate risks and assess the evolving threat landscape across six key areas.

The first area of focus is the defense of critical infrastructure, recognizing its vital role in national security. By prioritizing the protection of critical infrastructure, the DHS aims to fortify the nation against potential disruptions or attacks.

Another pressing concern is the global fentanyl supply chain, which poses a significant threat to public health and safety. The sprint will work towards disrupting this illicit supply chain and curbing the flow of this deadly substance.

The DHS is also committed to preventing the abuse of the lawful travel system by the PRC to harass dissidents. By implementing robust measures, the Department seeks to safeguard the rights and well-being of individuals facing persecution.

To counter the PRC’s malign economic influence, the sprint will focus on protective measures that preserve the nation’s economic stability and integrity. This entails identifying vulnerabilities and implementing strategies to mitigate economic risks.

Furthermore, the DHS recognizes the importance of advancing safety, security, and economic prosperity in the Arctic and Indo-Pacific regions. Through collaborative efforts, the Department aims to strengthen its presence in these areas, fostering stability and resilience.

Sharing timely and accurate information on PRC threats with government agencies and private sector partners is paramount to effectively addressing these challenges. By enhancing information-sharing capabilities, the DHS seeks to create a united front against the evolving threats posed by the PRC.


The introduction of the AI Task Force and the 90-day sprint by the Department of Homeland Security signifies a significant shift in the market landscape. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into critical homeland security missions presents new opportunities for businesses operating in the supply chain, cybersecurity, and digital forensics sectors.

Companies specializing in AI technology and solutions can expect increased demand for their products and services as the DHS seeks to enhance cargo screening, detect illicit substances, combat online child exploitation, and bolster critical infrastructure security.

Additionally, the focus on countering the multifaceted threats posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) presents potential market opportunities in areas such as critical infrastructure defense, fentanyl supply chain disruption, and information sharing on PRC threats.

To capitalize on these developments, businesses should consider aligning their offerings with the priorities outlined by the DHS and proactively engage in collaborations with government agencies, industry partners, and academic institutions. By doing so, organizations can position themselves at the forefront of this evolving market, driving innovation and contributing to the overall security and resilience of the nation.
