DLAP: Redefining Software Vulnerability Detection with Advanced AI Framework

  • DLAP framework integrates LLMs, deep learning, and prompt engineering for software vulnerability detection.
  • Challenges in traditional methods include high false positive rates and limited adaptability.
  • DLAP employs hierarchical taxonomy and chain-of-thought guidance for accurate vulnerability detection.
  • Custom prompts tailored to specific categories enhance understanding and detection of complex vulnerabilities.
  • DLAP combines static analysis tools and deep learning models for comprehensive analysis.
  • Testing across Chrome, Android, Linux, and Qemu datasets shows DLAP outperforms other methods with higher precision and recall.

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In the realm of safeguarding system security and user privacy, software vulnerability detection stands as a paramount concern. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates robust measures to ensure that software systems remain impervious to potential attacks. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, particularly large language models (LLMs) and deep learning, has emerged as a pivotal strategy in fortifying the detection of software vulnerabilities.

The fundamental challenge in this domain lies in accurately pinpointing vulnerabilities within the intricate landscape of modern software systems to preempt potential breaches. Conventional methods, such as static analysis tools and machine learning-based models, often grapple with high false positive rates and struggle to keep pace with the ever-evolving threat landscape. Their reliance on predefined patterns or datasets invariably leads to inaccuracies and overlooks critical vulnerabilities.

Recent advancements in software vulnerability detection have given rise to innovative frameworks like GRACE and ChatGPT-driven models. These frameworks amalgamate prompt engineering with machine learning methodologies, harnessing chain-of-thought guidance to enhance detection capabilities. Despite their promise, existing frameworks are hampered by persistently high false positive rates and limited adaptability, underscoring the exigency for more refined solutions in vulnerability detection.

Enter DLAP — a pioneering framework introduced by researchers from Nanjing University, China, and Southern Cross University, Australia. DLAP distinguishes itself through its adept fusion of LLMs, deep learning, and prompt engineering. By leveraging a hierarchical taxonomy and chain-of-thought (COT) guidance, DLAP adeptly steers LLMs towards accurate vulnerability detection. Tailored prompts, designed to encapsulate specific categories, facilitate the comprehension and effective detection of complex vulnerabilities, thus surmounting the constraints of traditional tools.

DLAP’s modus operandi entails harnessing static analysis tools and deep learning models to craft prompts that augment LLMs’ capabilities. Evaluated across a dataset comprising over 40,000 examples drawn from four major software projects, DLAP seamlessly integrates static analysis outputs with LLMs for comprehensive semantic and logical scrutiny. Guided by COT principles, DLAP enhances prompt accuracy, thereby enabling the swift and precise identification of software vulnerabilities. This integrative approach not only minimizes false positives but also maximizes detection efficacy.

The efficacy of DLAP was underscored through rigorous testing across four diverse datasets: Chrome, Android, Linux, and Qemu. Across the board, DLAP outperformed alternative methods, yielding up to 10% higher F1 scores and a remarkable 20% increase in Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). Noteworthy achievements include a precision of 40.4% and recall of 73.3% for Chrome, alongside robust F1 scores of 52.1% for Chrome, 49.3% for Android, 65.4% for Linux, and 66.7% for Qemu. These results underscore DLAP’s efficacy and consistency across varied datasets, cementing its status as a trailblazer in the realm of software vulnerability detection.


The introduction of DLAP marks a significant advancement in the field of software vulnerability detection. Its innovative integration of advanced AI technologies promises more accurate and efficient detection, addressing critical limitations of traditional methods. DLAP’s superior performance across diverse datasets signifies its potential to reshape the market landscape, offering heightened security measures to safeguard against evolving cyber threats. Businesses and organizations stand to benefit greatly from the enhanced protection DLAP provides, ensuring the integrity and security of their software systems in an increasingly perilous digital environment.
