Emergent Behavior of Large Language Models: Unveiling the Surprising Reality


  • Stanford scholars challenge the notion of emergent abilities in large language models (LLMs), arguing that they are a misinterpretation.
  • Emergent abilities refer to capabilities that seemingly arise as LLMs grow in size.
  • The scholars propose that mismeasurement and flawed metrics contribute to the illusion of emergent abilities.
  • Pass-or-fail tests, such as Exact String Match, can create the perception of sudden breakthroughs in larger models.
  • Smaller models have similar capabilities but are disadvantaged by evaluation biases.
  • Applications may not always require large models; smaller models can be cost-effective and sufficient for many tasks.
  • The concern about emergent behavior extends to both model testers and users.
  • The researchers do not dismiss unexpected model behaviors but challenge the evidence for sudden changes.
  • This insight allays fears of unpredictable outputs and offers cost-saving options.
  • Critical analysis of metrics is crucial for a clearer understanding of language model capabilities.

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In recent years, the advancement of language models such as GPT-3, PaLM, and LaMDA has generated both awe and skepticism. These next-generation models have been hailed for their remarkable capabilities, but a group of scholars from Stanford University argues that these so-called “emergent” abilities might be nothing more than a misinterpretation of their true nature.

Academic studies have defined “emergent” abilities as those that manifest in large-scale models but are absent in smaller-scale ones. This concept suggests that as a language model grows in size, it acquires newfound capacities that were previously unimaginable. It’s almost as if the model becomes infused with miraculous power, akin to the famous line, “It’s alive!”

However, Stanford scholars question this notion in their thought-provoking paper titled “Are Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models a Mirage?” Rylan Schaeffer, Brando Miranda, and Sanmi Koyejo delve into the heart of the matter, aiming to dispel the notion of emergent abilities in language models.

In this paper, we call into question the claim that LLMs possess emergent abilities, by which we specifically mean sharp and unpredictable changes in model outputs as a function of model scale on specific tasks,” the trio confidently states.

Their research challenges the belief that larger language models suddenly gain extraordinary capabilities, which can disrupt the course of their outputs. By scrutinizing the supposed emergent abilities, Schaeffer, Miranda, and Koyejo shed light on the fallacy that may have misled many.

The Stanford scholars point to a mismeasurement issue as a potential culprit behind the perceived emergent abilities. Rather than a miraculous transformation, they argue that these models simply operate within the confines of their intended design, with no unexpected or unpredictable breakthroughs.

Such skepticism towards emergent abilities reflects the ongoing concerns surrounding the opaqueness of machine-learning models and the fear of relinquishing control to software. If these models truly possess miraculous capabilities, it would further amplify the apprehensions surrounding their deployment.

Unveiling the Truth: Debunking the Illusion of Emergent Abilities in Large Language Models

In the realm of language models, the buzz surrounding large-scale models has given rise to notions of their extraordinary capabilities. However, Stanford scholars argue that these so-called “emergent” abilities might be nothing more than a misinterpretation rooted in flawed measurement methods.

Contrary to popular belief, large language models (LLMs) are not imbued with sentient intelligence. They operate as probabilistic models, leveraging extensive text training to predict what follows a given prompt. The idea of emergent abilities stems from the observation that as LLMs increase in size, they appear to exhibit seemingly newfound capabilities as if something dormant within them is awakened. Proponents of this concept suggest that as these models consume more training data and expand in scale, they can unexpectedly excel in tasks such as text summarization, language translation, or complex calculations.

The mesmerizing unpredictability associated with these models has both fascinated and concerned individuals. Some are inclined to interpret these phenomena as evidence of sentient behavior or mysterious forces at play within the neural network. However, the scholars from Stanford—Schaeffer, Miranda, and Koyejo—propose an alternative explanation: rather than genuine intelligence, the observed unpredictability stems from poorly chosen measurement techniques.

In their research, the team discovered that a significant portion (92 percent) of the unexpected behavior observed in LLMs occurred during evaluations using BIG-Bench, a collection of over 200 benchmarks for assessing large language models. One specific test highlighted by the scholars is the Exact String Match. As the name suggests, this test checks if a model’s output exactly matches a predetermined string without considering nearly correct answers. The documentation for this metric even warns of its inherent limitations, stating that it can lead to apparent sudden breakthroughs due to its binary nature.

The problem lies in relying on pass-or-fail tests to infer emergent behavior. The researchers argue that the nonlinear output and lack of data in smaller models create an illusion of new skills emerging in larger ones. A smaller model may provide an answer that is nearly correct, but when evaluated using the all-or-nothing Exact String Match, it is marked as incorrect. Conversely, a larger model might precisely hit the target and receive full credit.

This situation is nuanced. Larger models do indeed possess the ability to summarize text and translate languages more effectively. They generally outperform smaller models and offer expanded functionality. However, the sudden breakthrough in capabilities, often associated with emergent abilities, is illusory. Smaller models potentially harbor similar capabilities, but the benchmarks used favor larger models. This bias leads industry professionals to assume that larger models experience a significant leap in capabilities once they reach a certain size.

In reality, the transition in abilities is more gradual as models scale up or down. The key takeaway is that applications may not always require a massive, super-powerful language model. Smaller models, which are more cost-effective and faster to customize, test, and run, can often suffice.

The Stanford scientists offer an alternative perspective, stating, “Our alternative explanation posits that emergent abilities are a mirage caused primarily by the researcher choosing a metric that nonlinearly or discontinuously deforms per-token error rates, and partially by possessing too few test data to accurately estimate the performance of smaller models (thereby causing smaller models to appear wholly unable to perform the task) and partially by evaluating too few large-scale models.”

The Fallacy of Emergent Abilities: Separating Fact from Fiction in LLMs

When it comes to emergent behavior in large language models (LLMs), the concern extends beyond just model testers to also include model users, according to Rylan Schaeffer, a Stanford doctoral student, and co-author of the paper challenging the notion of emergent abilities. The satisfaction of testers plays a crucial role in determining whether a language model is made publicly available or accessible, thereby impacting downstream users.

Schaeffer explained, “Emergent behavior is certainly a concern for model testers looking to evaluate/benchmark models, but testers being satisfied is oftentimes an important prerequisite to a language model being made publicly available or accessible, so the testers’ satisfaction has impacts for downstream users.

However, the connection to end-users is also significant. If emergent abilities are indeed real, it implies that smaller models are incapable of performing specific tasks, forcing users to rely on the largest possible model. Conversely, if emergent abilities are debunked, smaller models can be considered sufficient as long as users are willing to tolerate occasional errors. In this scenario, users have more flexibility and options available to them.

To clarify, the supposed emergent abilities attributed to LLMs do not stem from inherent changes within the model as it scales but rather from the way data is analyzed. The researchers emphasize that they are not dismissing the possibility of emergent behavior in LLMs; instead, they assert that previous claims of emergent abilities are based on flawed metrics.

Schaeffer elaborated, “Our work doesn’t rule out unexpected model behaviors. However, it does challenge the evidence that models do display unexpected changes. It’s hard to prove a negative existential claim by accumulating evidence (e.g., imagine trying to convince someone unicorns don’t exist by providing evidence of non-unicorns!) I personally feel reassured that unexpected model behaviors are less likely.”

This revelation is not only comforting in terms of alleviating concerns about unforeseen model outputs but also from a financial perspective. It signifies that smaller, more cost-effective models are not inherently deficient due to test deviations and are likely to be sufficient for fulfilling the required tasks.

The ongoing debate surrounding emergent abilities in LLMs highlights the importance of critically analyzing the metrics used to evaluate these models. By adopting a nuanced approach and considering a broader range of factors, researchers and users alike can gain a clearer understanding of the true capabilities of language models, enabling informed decisions about their implementation.


The questioning of emergent abilities in large language models (LLMs) by Stanford scholars has significant implications for the market. The skepticism surrounding the notion of sudden breakthroughs and miraculous capabilities suggests a need for a more grounded understanding of LLM capabilities. As businesses consider adopting language models for various applications, they should carefully evaluate the claims surrounding emergent abilities and take into account the researchers’ findings.

This means that organizations can explore more cost-effective options by utilizing smaller models that still offer sufficient functionality for their specific tasks. By avoiding the allure of larger models based on the perception of emergent abilities, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize their investments, and ensure the effective utilization of language models in their operations.
