Evaluating Multilingual Models with Scarce Data: Introducing XTREME-UP, a Benchmark for Under-Represented Languages


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) heavily rely on data.
  • Data scarcity is a challenge for training NLP models for under-represented languages (ULs).
  • XTREME-UP is a benchmark introduced by GoogleAI to evaluate multilingual models in user-centric tasks.
  • It focuses on activities that technology users commonly engage in their daily lives.
  • XTREME-UP replaces the conventional cross-lingual zero-shot approach with a standardized in-language fine-tuning setting.
  • The benchmark assesses language models across 88 under-represented languages in 9 significant user-centric technologies.
  • New datasets have been developed, and existing datasets have been improved to evaluate language model capabilities.
  • XTREME-UP enables assessment of both text-only and multi-modal modeling scenarios.
  • It offers methods for supervised parameter adjustment and in-context learning.
  • XTREME-UP addresses the data scarcity challenge in highly multilingual NLP systems.
  • The benchmark provides a standardized evaluation framework for under-represented languages.
  • It has implications for future NLP research and development.
  • Businesses can leverage XTREME-UP insights to tap into under-represented markets and cater to diverse language speakers.

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The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) thrives on a fundamental element—data. In today’s world, data inundate us from a multitude of sources, ranging from social media and healthcare to finance and beyond. Such data holds immense value, especially in applications involving Natural Language Processing (NLP).

However, despite the vast amounts of data available, finding readily usable data for training NLP models tailored to specific tasks remains a challenge. This scarcity of high-quality, useful data, coupled with the need for effective filters, poses a hurdle in the progress of NLP for under-represented languages (ULs).

Emerging tasks in NLP, such as news summarization, sentiment analysis, question answering, and the development of virtual assistants, heavily rely on the availability of data in high-resource languages. These tasks leverage technologies like language identification, automatic speech recognition (ASR), and optical character recognition (OCR), which are often unavailable for under-represented languages. To overcome this limitation, it is crucial to build datasets and evaluate models on tasks that would be beneficial for UL speakers.

Addressing this challenge, a team of researchers from GoogleAI has introduced a groundbreaking benchmark known as XTREME-UP (Under-Represented and User-Centric with Paucal Data). This benchmark evaluates multilingual models in a few-shot learning setting, focusing on user-centric tasks. These tasks align with activities that technology users frequently engage in their daily lives, such as information access and input/output actions that empower other technologies. XTREME-UP stands out due to three key features: its utilization of scarce data, its user-centric design, and its emphasis on under-represented languages.

By introducing a standardized multilingual in-language fine-tuning setting, XTREME-UP departs from the conventional cross-lingual zero-shot approach. This innovative method considers the amount of data that can be generated or annotated within an 8-hour timeframe for a specific language. Consequently, it aims to provide under-represented languages with a more practical evaluation setup, enabling more useful insights.

The XTREME-UP benchmark evaluates the performance of language models across 88 under-represented languages in 9 significant user-centric technologies. These technologies encompass Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Machine Translation (MT), and information access tasks with broad utility. To assess the capabilities of language models, the researchers have developed new datasets tailored for operations like OCR, autocomplete, semantic parsing, and transliteration. They have also refined existing datasets for other tasks within the same benchmark, further enhancing their quality and applicability.

Notably, XTREME-UP demonstrates remarkable versatility in assessing various modeling scenarios, including both text-only and multi-modal approaches incorporating visual, audio, and text inputs. Additionally, it provides methods for supervised parameter adjustment and in-context learning, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of diverse modeling techniques.

The tasks encompassed by XTREME-UP revolve around enabling access to language technology, facilitating information access within larger systems, such as question answering, information extraction, and virtual assistants, and ultimately ensuring the availability of information in the speaker’s language.


The introduction of the XTREME-UP benchmark by GoogleAI and its focus on addressing the data scarcity challenge in under-represented languages present significant implications for the market. This standardized evaluation framework for multilingual NLP systems has the potential to drive substantial advancements in language technology across diverse industries.

By providing a means to assess the performance of language models and evaluate their capabilities in user-centric tasks, XTREME-UP empowers businesses to tap into under-represented markets and cater to the needs of diverse language speakers. The benchmark’s emphasis on scarce data and under-represented languages opens up new avenues for innovation, enabling companies to develop tailored solutions and unlock untapped opportunities. As a result, businesses that leverage the insights and developments from XTREME-UP can gain a competitive edge in expanding their reach and engaging with a broader customer base.
