Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s Covert Venture: White Stork’s AI-Powered Kamikaze Drones


  • Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, is discreetly leading a startup named White Stork, specializing in AI-powered kamikaze drones.
  • White Stork is aimed at providing advanced AI drone technology to support Ukraine’s military efforts.
  • Schmidt’s involvement in bridging Silicon Valley and the Pentagon through the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence underscores the importance of AI in warfare.
  • Kamikaze drones, with a cost of around $400 each, are positioned as a cost-effective solution to counter adversaries like Russia.
  • Schmidt’s recent column highlights the challenges faced by Ukraine in drone warfare and the country’s plans to acquire one million drones in 2024.
  • White Stork’s operations are veiled under a network of shell companies, with notable tech industry executives on board.

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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has taken a low-profile approach to establish a groundbreaking startup called White Stork, dedicated to the development of AI-driven kamikaze drones. This venture operates both in the United States and Ukraine, drawing its name from Ukraine’s national bird, the White Stork. Its primary objective is to supply cutting-edge AI drone technology to support Ukraine’s ongoing military endeavors.

Schmidt, post his tenure at Google, has assumed a pivotal role in bridging the gap between Silicon Valley and the Pentagon. His leadership of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, which presented its final report in 2021, emphasized the transformative impact of AI on the conduct of warfare across various domains.

Now, Schmidt appears to be seizing the opportunity to realize this vision through a company that specializes in AI kamikaze drones, with a direct focus on Ukraine. He has extensively expounded on how AI drones represent the future of warfare, co-authoring a book on the subject with the late Henry Kissinger. It is becoming increasingly evident that Schmidt’s rhetoric was a precursor to the emergence of White Stork.

Kamikaze drones, relatively cost-effective at approximately $400 each, are equipped with a limited payload of explosives, as outlined in Schmidt’s Wall Street Journal column from July. In comparison to the colossal budget of the United States Defense Department, these drones are a cost-efficient alternative. Schmidt goes on to assert in the same column that kamikaze drones are “the most important” technological advancement for countering adversaries like Russia. Simultaneously, the U.S. government is reducing its reliance on traditional arms suppliers, such as Palantir.

In a recent column titled “Ukraine is Losing The Drone War,” the former Google CEO sheds light on his close collaboration with Ukrainian officials and highlights the inadequacy of Western weaponry against Russian defense systems. He also conveniently mentions Ukraine’s plans to procure over one million drones from its allies in 2024.

Forbes reports that Schmidt has been discreetly advancing White Stork through a network of shell companies, one of which is named Volya Robotics OÜ, listing Schmidt as a beneficiary and having his family office’s sole board member as an employee. Notably, White Stork appears to have recruited several former tech industry executives, including Sebastian Thrun, a co-founder of Google’s moonshot lab.

The burgeoning AI revolution in warfare is firmly grounded, with kamikaze drone technology poised to assume a prominent role in future conflicts. Viral videos depicting drones relentlessly pursuing and neutralizing enemy targets have recently surfaced. These drones rely extensively on AI to identify and evade defense systems, hinting at the growing influence of AI companies in the realm of warfare. However, this development could potentially contradict their proclaimed commitment to “benefiting humanity.”


Eric Schmidt’s White Stork venture signifies a pivotal shift towards AI-driven warfare technology. The cost-effectiveness and strategic focus on Ukraine suggest a potential disruption in the defense market as AI-powered kamikaze drones become a key player in future conflicts. This development may catalyze further innovation and competition within the defense industry, raising questions about the ethical implications of AI’s role in warfare.
