Expertum Achieves Remarkable 99.98% Accuracy in Facial Recognition


  • Facial recognition technology is integral to daily life, aiding in identity verification and device access.
  •, led by Lukasz Kowalczyk, has created a remarkable facial recognition engine with 99.98% accuracy.
  • The system efficiently manages 1,000 concurrent requests and offers a user-friendly API.
  • Face.Match.Expert boasts limitless database capacity and complies with GDPR, ensuring privacy.
  • Building and analyzing photo collections for facial recognition is streamlined with this groundbreaking tool.

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Facial recognition technology has become an indispensable facet of our daily lives, seamlessly integrating into various sectors. From identity verification at airports and corporate offices to secure banking transactions and unlocking personal devices, this technology has evolved thanks to advanced AI and deep learning algorithms, particularly vector facial recognition engines. These engines, at the forefront of security solutions, grapple with the primary challenge of optimizing the detection, recognition, and cataloging of facial features.

Lukasz Kowalczyk, co-founder of, shares their vision: “Our aspiration was to create the preeminent facial recognition engine in the industry. Leveraging our profound expertise in advanced technologies, we’ve meticulously crafted the fastest and most accurate system for facial detection and recognition, achieving an extraordinary accuracy level of 99.98 percent. Moreover, it seamlessly handles up to 1,000 requests concurrently. We take pride in presenting this innovative tool as a SaaS solution, complete with a user-friendly API integration option.

Amidst a crowded arena of facial recognition technologies, Face.Match.Expert stands out as a frontrunner with its highly accessible API designed for programmers of all skill levels, including novices. The engine’s distinct edge lies in its nearly boundless database capacity, enabling effortless addition and retrieval of hundreds of millions of photos with ease.

One of Face.Match.Expert’s paramount features is its strict adherence to GDPR regulations. acknowledges the significance of safeguarding sensitive biometric data and rigorously complies with GDPR norms, ensuring user privacy remains inviolate. This commitment means that no personal data, including photographs, is ever stored in its original format, making Face.Match.Expert is an ideal choice for the most exacting service requirements.

Equipped with Face.Match.Expert’s user-friendly API, the process of building and analyzing photo collections for facial recognition becomes a seamless endeavor. Faces are efficiently indexed, facilitating rapid database searches to identify matches in a matter of milliseconds, all while maintaining an astounding accuracy level of 99.98 percent.

Conclusion:’s groundbreaking facial recognition technology, Face.Match.Expert, with its remarkable 99.98% accuracy, user-friendly API, and GDPR compliance, marks a significant advancement in the market. Its limitless database capacity and efficiency in handling concurrent requests set a new standard for the industry, promising enhanced security and ease of use for various sectors.
