Findem introduces Talent Data Cloud, an AI-powered solution for talent acquisition and management


  • Findem launches Talent Data Cloud, an AI-powered talent acquisition and management solution.
  • Unique 3D data integration streamlines the entire talent lifecycle for increased efficiency.
  • Consolidated applications include multi-channel sourcing, CRM, market intelligence, and talent analytics.
  • GenAI integration enhances candidate searches, personalized campaigns, and market insights.
  • Automation eases the burden on talent teams, allowing for strategic focus and innovation.

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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, finding and retaining top talent has never been more critical. Recognizing this need, Findem has introduced its game-changing Talent Data Cloud, a cutting-edge AI-powered solution that revolutionizes talent acquisition and management. What sets it apart? The answer lies in the transformative potential of unique 3D data.

Consolidating the Talent Ecosystem

For many talent teams, navigating a complex web of tools, disparate data sources, and fragmented workflows has become a major challenge. This often results in inflated costs, underutilized technologies, and disjointed decision-making processes. Findem’s Talent Data Cloud offers a comprehensive solution, seamlessly integrating applications across the entire talent lifecycle, both within and outside the organization.

With Findem’s innovative platform, talent teams can create a cohesive talent ecosystem, incorporating tools for multi-channel sourcing, candidate rediscovery, CRM, market intelligence, and talent analytics. Additionally, they gain access to centralized analytics and insights spanning diversity, recruiting performance, and the labor market.

The future of talent acquisition is shifting towards consolidated, multi-channel platforms like Findem,” affirms David Malloy, Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition at Nutanix. “By consolidating tools and streamlining the talent ecosystem, we can redirect recruiters’ efforts towards more strategic tasks, enhancing the overall candidate experience and driving significant improvements in spend, analytics, and reporting.”

Elevating Talent Discovery with Enriched 3D Profiles

At the heart of Findem’s innovation lies a distinctive data layer, harnessing over 1 trillion person and company data points meticulously organized over time into three-dimensional profiles. This revolutionary approach enables recruiters to search for candidates based on their historical achievements, such as guiding a company from a negative operating margin to a positive one or being part of a successful company exit.

Findem’s CEO, Hari Kolam, emphasizes, “Our unique 3D data is the cornerstone of the Talent Data Cloud. It offers unparalleled context on individuals, teams, and companies, mitigating the risk of false responses and ensuring the reliability of our AI, GenAI.”

Automation, AI, and GenAI: Transforming Talent Workflows

With talent teams stretched thin and burnout on the rise, automation has become a lifeline for scaling operations and optimizing efficiency. Findem’s Talent Data Cloud introduces AI-based automation across various recruitment processes, allowing talent professionals to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation.

Key automated functionalities include:

  • Multi-step candidate engagement and nurture campaigns
  • Inbound application review with candidate prioritization
  • Continuous enrichment of candidate profiles
  • Identifying connections within the organization for proactive referrals
  • Surface alumni and past candidates with updated profiles
  • Attribute-based searches via job descriptions and LinkedIn profiles

Findem’s integration of GenAI is another remarkable milestone. An AI assistant seamlessly integrated into workflows assists talent professionals with candidate searches, personalized campaigns, reporting, and market intelligence. Whether it’s digging into a candidate’s tenure or tailoring pitches for hiring managers, GenAI is a powerful tool in the talent arsenal.


Findem’s Talent Data Cloud, powered by 3D data and AI, is poised to disrupt the talent management market. Its holistic approach to talent acquisition and management, coupled with automation and AI integration, promises improved efficiency, reduced costs, and a superior candidate experience. As the industry shifts towards consolidated, multi-channel platforms, Findem is well-positioned to lead the way and set new standards for talent management solutions.
