Fortuna from AWS: Redefining Confidence in Deep Learning


  • Fortuna is an open-source AI library for uncertainty quantification in deep learning.
  • It addresses the issue of overconfidence in deep neural networks.
  • Fortuna offers calibration techniques, including conformal prediction, to produce reliable uncertainty estimates.
  • It provides scalable Bayesian inference tools for incorporating uncertainty into model parameters and predictions.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the relentless pursuit of precision and reliability reigns supreme. The unbridled capabilities of AI and ML have infiltrated virtually every industry, offering innovative solutions to complex problems. However, the key to harnessing their true potential lies in predictive uncertainty – the linchpin for assessing the accuracy of model predictions.

Overconfidence, a perilous pitfall, lurks ominously, particularly within the realm of deep neural networks. It rears its head when a model proclaims a certain class with an unjustified degree of certainty, often with dire consequences in real-world scenarios. Thus, the correct estimation of uncertainty becomes paramount in ensuring the reliability and safety of ML systems.

Enter Fortuna, an avant-garde open-source uncertainty quantification library, poised to revolutionize the landscape of deep learning. Conceived by a team of dedicated researchers, Fortuna integrates modern, scalable techniques from the annals of AI literature. Its mission? To furnish users with an intuitive and consistent interface, simplifying the application of sophisticated uncertainty quantification methods in both regression and classification scenarios.

Fortuna ushers in a new era of confidence through two key features:

  1. Calibration Techniques: Fortuna boasts a robust arsenal of tools for calibration, with conformal prediction standing out as a shining example. This groundbreaking capability empowers users to leverage pre-trained neural networks for generating reliable uncertainty estimates. By harmonizing the model’s confidence scores with the veritable accuracy of its predictions, Fortuna bestows upon users the ability to distinguish dependable predictions from those perched on precarious ground. Imagine a world where doctors rely on AI systems for diagnoses or self-driving cars navigate their surroundings with unshakable precision – Fortuna makes it possible.
  2. Scalable Bayesian Inference: Complementing its calibration prowess, Fortuna equips users with scalable Bayesian inference tools. Deep neural networks, from their inception, can now be honed and fine-tuned using these cutting-edge techniques. Through the magic of Bayesian inference, uncertainty becomes woven into the fabric of both model parameters and predictions. Implementing scalable Bayesian inference elevates not only Fortuna’s overall accuracy but also enhances the model’s ability to quantify uncertainty.

Fortuna, with its unwavering commitment to conquering uncertainty, charts a course toward a future where AI and ML deliver not just results but reliability and trust. It is the compass that points the way to a world where confidence meets certainty. Step boldly into this new era with Fortuna, your guardian against overconfidence and uncertainty in the realm of deep learning.


Fortuna’s emergence in the market marks a significant step towards enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of deep learning applications. By tackling the challenge of overconfidence and providing robust calibration and Bayesian inference tools, Fortuna empowers businesses to deploy AI and ML systems with greater confidence, ultimately bolstering their success and impact across industries.
