Google Abandons Plans for Gen Z AI Chatbot App, Prioritizes Competitor Bard


  • Google has scrapped its AI-powered chatbot app for Gen Z users, known as “Bubble Characters.”
  • The decision to deprioritize the project came as part of an internal reorganization at Google.
  • The app aimed to offer human-like conversations and interactive experiences with virtual characters.
  • Google has redirected its efforts toward prioritizing Bard, a competitor to its ChatGPT AI language model.
  • Several top AI researchers have left Google to establish their own chatbot companies, signaling growing interest and investment in the market.

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In a surprising turn of events, Google has silently shelved its ambitious project to develop an AI-powered mobile chatbot app exclusively for Gen Z users. The app, known as “Bubble Characters,” aimed to revolutionize digital interactions by incorporating interactive virtual personas into conversations. However, according to inside sources and leaked internal documents obtained by CNBC, Google has recently “deprioritized” this endeavor due to an internal reorganization, effectively halting all progress on the app.

The concept behind Bubble Characters was truly innovative. The app offered Gen Z users the opportunity to engage in human-like conversations with talking digital characters, creating a unique and captivating interactive experience. These virtual personas, powered by Google’s extensive collection of large language models, were designed to mimic the nuances of human speech, offering not only engaging dialogue but also the ability to “take action” and provide intriguing insights tailored to the Gen Z audience.

Described as “something from a science fiction novel turned into the next generation of human-level conversation,” Bubble Characters had the potential to redefine the way people communicate with AI technology. A glimpse into the app’s capabilities showcased a cartoon-like character engaging in friendly banter, posing follow-up questions, and even offering relationship advice. The aim was to create an immersive and personalized conversational experience for Gen Z users, tapping into their unique preferences and communication styles.

However, the deprioritization of Bubble Characters signals a shift in Google’s focus and priorities. Correspondence obtained by CNBC reveals that within the Assistant organization, responsible for developing virtual assistant applications and enabling two-way conversations, executives have redirected their attention to Bard—a formidable competitor to ChatGPT, Google’s current AI language model. This strategic shift, coupled with the departure of key executives, prompted the Bubble Characters team to redirect their efforts toward Bard’s development, temporarily suspending work on the Gen Z app.

Interestingly, while Google has scaled back its efforts in the AI chatbot domain, some of the company’s top AI researchers have taken a different path. These esteemed individuals have departed Google to establish their own chatbot companies, drawing substantial investments in an otherwise sluggish funding environment. Notably, Character.AI, a startup led by former Google researchers Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas, secured a remarkable $150 million in funding from Andreessen Horowitz in February. This influx of capital underscores the continued interest and potential in the AI chatbot market.


Google’s abandonment of the Gen Z chatbot app signifies a strategic shift in the company’s priorities. By deprioritizing Bubble Characters and focusing on the development of Bard, Google is positioning itself to compete in the evolving AI chatbot market. The departure of key executives and the rise of independent chatbot companies led by former Google researchers also highlight the increasing interest and potential for investment in this sector. As the market continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether Google’s strategic realignment will position them as a strong contender to capture the attention of Gen Z and beyond.
