Google AI Reduces Computational Requirements for Weather Forecasts

  • Google researchers developed NeuralGCM, an AI model for weather forecasting.
  • NeuralGCM balances traditional physics-based models with AI efficiency. • Traditional models rely on supercomputers, demanding significant computational power.
  • NeuralGCM can process 70,000 days of simulation in 24 hours with a single TPU.
  • Competing models like X-SHiELD require supercomputers for fewer simulations.
  • AI models face challenges with explainability and replicating unprecedented climate phenomena.
  • NeuralGCM’s accuracy matches or exceeds leading models.
  • The hybrid approach of NeuralGCM may inspire further research and debate in the modeling community.
  • Google’s advancement represents a potential shift in forecasting methods, blending traditional and AI techniques.

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Google researchers have developed an AI that can forecast weather and climate patterns as accurately as current physics-based models while needing less computational power. Traditional forecasts rely on mathematical models run by powerful supercomputers, predicting future events deterministically. Since their inception in the 1950s, these models have become increasingly detailed, demanding greater computational resources.

Various projects have aimed to replace these computationally intensive models with more efficient AI solutions, such as DeepMind’s tool for local rain forecasts on short timescales. However, most AI models operate as a “black box,” making their inner workings mysterious and their methods difficult to explain or replicate. Climate scientists also note that AI models trained on historical data may struggle to predict unprecedented phenomena driven by climate change.

Dmitrii Kochkov and his team at Google Research in California have introduced NeuralGCM, a model that balances traditional and AI approaches. Standard climate models divide Earth’s surface into grids of cells, up to 100 kilometers across, with computing power limitations preventing higher resolution simulations. Within these cells, phenomena like clouds, air turbulence, and convection are approximated by continually adjusted computer code, a process known as parameterization.

NeuralGCM improves this approximation, making it less computationally demanding and more accurate. According to the researchers, NeuralGCM can process 70,000 days of simulation in 24 hours using a single tensor processing unit (TPU). In contrast, a competing model, X-SHiELD, requires a supercomputer with thousands of processing units to process only 19 days of simulation.

The paper claims that NeuralGCM’s forecasts match or exceed the accuracy of leading models. Google did not respond to an interview request from New Scientist.

Tim Palmer of the University of Oxford views this research as an intriguing attempt to merge pure physics with AI approximations. He expresses discomfort with fully abandoning motion equations for an AI system that even experts do not fully understand.

Palmer suggests this hybrid approach could spark further debate and research within the modeling community, though its widespread adoption remains uncertain. He praises the research as a positive step forward, highlighting the importance of exploring alternative methods in the field.


Google’s development of NeuralGCM represents a significant technological advancement in weather forecasting, potentially disrupting the market by reducing the computational power required for accurate predictions. This innovation could lead to cost savings and efficiency gains for organizations relying on weather forecasts. As NeuralGCM blends traditional and AI techniques, it may also stimulate further research and adoption of hybrid models in the industry, driving competitive advancements and new applications in climate science. The successful integration of AI in this domain underscores the growing importance of machine learning in enhancing and transforming traditional scientific methodologies.


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