Google Proposes Innovative Method to Enhance Translation Performance of Large Language Models


  • Google researchers propose incorporating cross-lingual supervision during the pre-training of large language models (LLMs).
  • The combination of self-supervised language modeling and supervised machine translation (MT) objectives improves LLMs’ performance in MT tasks.
  • Cross-lingual data inclusion strengthens MT capabilities and addresses language representation disparities.
  • Automated curriculum learning with multi-armed bandits dynamically determines the optimal amount of parallel data for training LLMs.
  • This research presents a significant advancement in enhancing LLMs’ translation abilities across various languages.

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In a groundbreaking research paper recently published on May 19, 2023, Google’s esteemed researchers, Andrea Schioppa, Xavier Garcia, and Orhan Firat, present an exciting approach to optimizing the performance of large language models (LLMs) through the integration of cross-lingual supervision during their pre-training phase.

Conventionally, LLMs undergo pre-training via self-supervision, where models learn from unlabeled data without the need for manual annotations. However, the researchers have discovered that incorporating cross-lingual supervision, which entails leveraging aligned parallel data between source and target languages, during the pre-training of LLMs can significantly enhance their in-context learning capabilities.

This pioneering research showcases that the fusion of self-supervised language modeling and supervised machine translation (MT) objectives, accomplished by including cross-lingual parallel data during pre-training, leads to a remarkable improvement in the overall performance of LLMs when applied to MT tasks.

Schioppa, Garcia, and Firat elaborate that LLMs acquire their pre-training through self-supervision, enabling them to learn from unannotated data effortlessly. In contrast, MT systems rely on cross-lingual supervision, which necessitates aligned parallel data encompassing both the source and target languages.

The MT objective involves predicting the target sentence based on the source sentence, necessitating the collection of aligned pairs of texts across different languages,” explained the researchers.

Furthermore, the researchers emphasize that the inclusion of cross-lingual data during pre-training not only strengthens the MT capabilities of LLMs but also bridges the gap between languages. Pre-training datasets often exhibit an English dominance, resulting in the under-representation of other languages, particularly those with fewer resources. By incorporating aligned cross-lingual data, the potential for enhancing LLMs across diverse languages becomes significantly amplified.

As the researchers articulated, “Aligned cross-lingual data has the potential to enhance the abilities of LLMs across languages other than English.”

Striking the Optimal Balance

Determining the ideal equilibrium between self-supervision and cross-lingual supervision poses a challenge due to the resource-intensive nature of the pre-training process. To address this, Google’s research team proposed a novel strategy for dynamically adjusting the mixing ratio between the two objectives during pre-training.

Specifically, they introduced automated curriculum learning with multi-armed bandits as an efficient method for determining the optimal utilization of parallel data during the training phase.

Automated curriculum learning with multi-armed bandits represents a cutting-edge machine learning strategy that dynamically selects training samples to optimize the learning process. Employing a sequential decision-making approach, this methodology treats each sample as an “arm” and strategically determines the priority of exploration and exploitation strategies for the most effective training outcomes.

According to the researchers, this approach yields significant advancements by eliminating the need for computationally expensive grid searches and surpasses static data sampling baselines. “When faced with the challenge of determining the optimal amount of cross-lingual supervision to utilize, we demonstrate that automated curriculum learning is an effective strategy that obviates the necessity for multiple training runs and outperforms static policies,” affirmed the researchers.


Google’s research showcases a groundbreaking approach to revolutionizing the performance of large language models. By integrating cross-lingual supervision during pre-training, LLMs demonstrate enhanced abilities in machine translation tasks. This not only strengthens the machine translation capabilities of LLMs but also promotes inclusivity by bridging the gap between languages.

The proposed strategy of dynamically adjusting the balance between self-supervision and cross-lingual supervision through automated curriculum learning provides an efficient and effective solution. This advancement in language modeling technology holds significant implications for the market, potentially leading to more accurate and contextually relevant translations across various languages, thereby empowering businesses to communicate and connect with a global audience more effectively.
