Google’s Bard AI chatbot can now answer questions about YouTube videos


  • Google’s Bard AI chatbot can now answer questions about YouTube videos, extending its functionality.
  • The YouTube Extension for Bard previously allowed users to find specific videos but now enables specific questions about video content.
  • YouTube is experimenting with generative AI features, including a conversational tool and a comments summarizer.
  • Google has expanded access to Bard for teenagers worldwide, offering assistance on various topics.

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In a recent development, Google’s Bard AI chatbot has elevated its capabilities by enabling users to pose questions related to YouTube videos. While Bard initially gained the ability to analyze YouTube videos with the introduction of the YouTube Extension in September, it can now provide specific answers regarding the content of a video.

The official announcement on Bard’s updates page states, “We’re taking the first steps in Bard’s ability to understand YouTube videos. For example, if you’re looking for videos on how to make olive oil cake, you can now also ask how many eggs the recipe in the first video requires. We’ve heard you want deeper engagement with YouTube videos. So we’re expanding the YouTube Extension to understand some video content so you can have a richer conversation with Bard about it.”

Previously, the YouTube Extension for Bard primarily allowed users to locate specific videos, such as requesting the chatbot to find amusing content. However, this latest enhancement empowers users to ask Bard specific questions about the video’s content. Imagine watching a travel video and discovering a captivating destination; now, you can simply inquire about the location from Bard.

This announcement follows closely on the heels of YouTube’s experimentation with new generative AI features. Among these features is an AI conversational tool that provides answers to queries about YouTube’s content. Additionally, YouTube introduced a new feature that condenses the topics discussed in video comments.

The conversational tool relies on expansive language models that harness information from YouTube and the internet. Users can ask questions about the video they are currently watching, and the AI engages in conversation while the video continues playing. Meanwhile, the comments summarizer tool employs generative AI to organize discussion topics in the comments section, offering users a concise overview of prevailing sentiments.

Furthermore, Google has expanded access to Bard, making it available to teenagers in most countries worldwide. The tech giant highlighted that teenagers can utilize Bard to “find inspiration, discover new hobbies, and solve everyday problems.” Whether seeking advice on university applications or exploring new sports, teenagers can rely on Bard for a range of inquiries.


Google’s Bard AI’s expanded capabilities for YouTube video interaction, along with YouTube’s investment in generative AI features, signify a growing trend towards enhancing user engagement and content discovery within the digital video market. This development indicates a commitment to improving user experiences and fostering more interactive content consumption, which could potentially drive increased user retention and ad revenue opportunities for both Google and content creators.
