Google’s Studio Bot, an AI chatbot for developers, is now available in over 170 regions worldwide


  • Google’s developer-focused AI chatbot, Studio Bot, is now available in over 170 regions.
  • Excludes European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK) developers.
  • Studio Bot aids developers in code generation, problem-solving, and resource finding.
  • Currently operates primarily in English.
  • Supports Kotlin and plans for Java support in future releases.
  • Prioritizes user privacy by not requiring source code sharing.
  • Continuous improvements for knowledge base and response quality.

Main AI News:

In a significant stride towards global accessibility, Google’s developer-centric AI chatbot, Studio Bot, has expanded its reach to encompass more than 170 regions worldwide. This substantial growth follows its initial debut in the United States, demonstrating Google’s commitment to empowering developers on a global scale. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that developers in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) are currently unable to harness the capabilities of this innovative tool. Studio Bot made its debut appearance at Google I/O 2023, where it was unveiled as an integral part of Android Studio. This integration empowers developers by providing valuable assistance in code composition and problem-solving through intuitive natural language interactions.

Pioneering AI Assistance for Coders

Studio Bot, hinging on the prowess of “Codey,” an extensive language model meticulously tailored for coding, revolutionizes the landscape of Android app development. Its functionalities encompass generating code, addressing inquiries, and locating pertinent resources, all seamlessly embedded within the Android Studio environment. Developers can pose an array of questions, ranging from straightforward open-ended queries to intricate coding dilemmas. Notably, Studio Bot retains the conversation context, ensuring that subsequent interactions are both relevant and effective. Despite its global reach, it’s pertinent to mention that Studio Bot primarily operates in English.

The chatbot extends its support to Kotlin, the primary programming language employed in Android app development, with future plans to incorporate Java support in upcoming releases. Developers can leverage Studio Bot to seek guidance on Android APIs, libraries, and industry best practices, obtaining swift responses and code snippets. Moreover, they have the option to request Studio Bot’s assistance in debugging code sections, soliciting code enhancements, crafting test cases, or updating APIs.

Prioritizing Privacy and Excellence

Studio Bot places a paramount emphasis on user privacy. Developers are not compelled to divulge their source code, as interactions are founded on the context of the ongoing conversation. The control over the sharing of supplementary context or code rests firmly in the hands of users, ensuring personalized responses without compromising sensitive information. Google steadfastly adheres to a set of robust AI Principles, safeguarding accountability throughout Studio Bot’s operation. While the chatbot is still in its formative stages, developers are encouraged to validate its responses before incorporating them into production applications. Continuous refinements are actively underway to enrich its knowledge repository and bolster the quality of responses.

“Studio Bot can accelerate your ability to write high-quality Android apps faster by helping generate code for your app, answering your questions, finding relevant resources—all without ever having to leave Android Studio,” emphasized Isabella Fiterman and Sandhya Mohan, Google representatives.

For developers eager to explore the capabilities of Studio Bot, the latest canary release of Android Studio is readily available for download. To ascertain the tool’s availability in specific countries and regions, visit Google’s dedicated website for the project. Feedback on Studio Bot’s responses is actively welcomed, serving as a catalyst for its continuous improvement. Stay updated on its evolution by signing up for regular updates.


Google’s Studio Bot’s global expansion showcases Google’s commitment to developers worldwide. However, its absence in the EU and UK may hinder their access to this valuable tool. Developers can leverage Studio Bot for enhanced coding assistance, and its focus on user privacy aligns with industry standards. As it evolves, Studio Bot is set to become a valuable asset in the realm of Android app development, potentially reshaping the market by enabling developers to work more efficiently and securely.
