Google’s Vertex AI Platform: Enabling Access to Powerful Generative AI (Video)


  • Google’s generative AI support on the Vertex AI platform is now available to all users.
  • Developers can access text models, such as PaLM 2 and the Embeddings API for text.
  • The Model Garden offers over 60 foundation models for experimentation.
  • The Generative AI Studio provides user-friendly tools for model tuning and deployment.
  • Vertex AI offers a complete ecosystem for optimizing, deploying, and governing models.
  • The Codey model for code completion, generation, and chat is now in public preview.

Main AI News:

In a major development, Google has made its generative AI support on the Vertex AI platform widely accessible to all users. This move allows Google Cloud customers to tap into the cutting-edge capabilities of the company’s platform for developing and driving custom generative AI applications.

With this update, developers gain seamless access to Google’s text model powered by PaLM 2, as well as the Embeddings API for text and other foundational models in the Model Garden. Additionally, they can leverage the user-friendly tools provided by the Generative AI Studio to fine-tune and deploy their models with ease.

Model Garden serves as a comprehensive repository where users can explore and experiment with a wide range of foundation models from Google and its esteemed partners. With over 60 models currently available and more on the horizon, developers have ample resources at their disposal to fuel their innovative projects.

Vertex AI goes beyond providing mere access to models; it offers a complete ecosystem of tools to assist builders in optimizing, deploying, and governing their models effectively in a production environment. This holistic approach empowers developers to streamline their workflow and unlock the true potential of their generative AI applications.

Furthermore, Google is delighted to announce the public preview of its Codey model, which is designed for code completion, generation, and chat. This powerful addition to the Vertex AI platform opens up new possibilities for developers to enhance their coding experience and increase productivity.

This groundbreaking offering was initially unveiled by Google in March of this year, and since then, the company has been collaborating closely with trusted testers to refine and enhance the generative AI support on the Vertex AI platform. Now, with its wider availability, Google is enabling developers worldwide to leverage the immense potential of generative AI and push the boundaries of innovation.


The availability of Google’s generative AI support on the Vertex AI platform represents a significant milestone in the market. It opens up advanced AI capabilities to a broader range of developers, enabling them to harness the power of generative AI for custom applications. With access to state-of-the-art models, user-friendly tools, and a comprehensive ecosystem, developers can accelerate their innovation and drive transformative outcomes. This move by Google reinforces its commitment to democratizing AI and will likely spur increased adoption of generative AI technologies in the market. Companies that embrace this platform can gain a competitive edge by leveraging the vast potential of generative AI in their business operations and customer experiences.
