Grene Robotics introduces AI-powered anti-drone technology


  • Hyderabad-based Grene Robotics introduces revolutionary AI-powered anti-drone technology.
  • Indrajaal, an innovative C-UAS, provides holistic defense against diverse drone threats.
  • Comprehensive 360-degree protection with real-time threat detection, identification, and neutralization.
  • Indrajaal’s modular design integrates twelve layers of technology fueled by artificial intelligence.
  • Addresses escalating drone challenges across defense, public infrastructure, and private sectors.
  • Notable increase in hostile UAV activity necessitates advanced countermeasures.
  • Impressive deployment scalability and operational effectiveness set Indrajaal apart.
  • Indrajaal’s cost-effective solution caters to safeguarding critical infrastructure projects.
  • Indigenous innovation marks a significant milestone in bolstering national security.

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In a remarkable stride towards bolstering national security, a Hyderabad-based technology enterprise has introduced an innovative AI-driven anti-drone system. This cutting-edge system, developed by Grene Robotics, showcases unprecedented capabilities in safeguarding crucial infrastructures such as nuclear facilities, oil platforms, and even expansive urban regions against diverse drone threats. Notably, this landmark achievement marks India’s pioneering foray into this transformative technology landscape.

The maiden presentation of this high-caliber drone security system unfolded on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Grene Robotics, an adept provider of AI-fueled security solutions catering to defense, corporate, and government domains, spearheaded this momentous event. Dubbed as Indrajaal, this system ascends as the globe’s sole comprehensive Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) equipped to safeguard vast expanses. Its prowess lies in its holistic security approach, effectively mitigating mobile threats that static defenses alone cannot surmount.

Former Deputy Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Gurmit Singh, currently serving as the Governor of Uttarakhand, hails Indrajaal as a futuristic resolution to India’s multifaceted security challenges. From defense imperatives to vital public and private sectors, Indrajaal emerges as a potent answer to pressing security vulnerabilities.

Kiran Raju, the visionary behind Grene Robotics, which emerged onto the scene twelve years ago, elucidates that Indrajaal’s framework incorporates a modular design reminiscent of building blocks. This intricate arrangement encompasses a synergistic amalgamation of twelve distinct technological strata, all fortified by the supremacy of artificial intelligence.

At its core, Indrajaal offers a panoramic shield, encompassing real-time threat detection, identification, classification, tracking, and elimination. The window of threat exposure could be as brief as half a minute or extend to a few minutes,” Mr. Raju affirms.

With its ambit spanning a sprawling 4,000 square kilometers, Indrajaal stands adept at thwarting an array of autonomous drone classes and tiers. From evading low radar cross-section (RCS) adversaries to intercepting medium and high-altitude long endurance (MALE and HALE) UAVs, precision munitions, and swarming drone formations, Indrajaal orchestrates an all-encompassing defense matrix.

Wing Commander Sai Mallela, co-founder of Grene Robotics and a driving force behind the Integrated Air Command and Control System for the Indian Air Force, elaborates that the surge in hostile UAV activities within India mandates a proactive response. Menacing endeavors to infiltrate Indian territories with contraband and undertake reconnaissance missions underscore the escalating challenge.

As statistics paint a stark picture—76 instances of hostile UAV activity in 2020 escalating to 266 in 2022, and a staggering 200 reported cases in the initial eight months of 2023—the clarion call for fortified countermeasures resonates resoundingly.

Strikingly, Indrajaal extends its discerning capabilities to differentiate between benign and adversarial drone entities. This distinctive trait anticipates a landscape where an overwhelming majority of drones will wield benign intent, minimizing the risk of collateral disruptions.

Anticipating inquiries about costs, Mr. Raju underscores that Indrajaal’s value proposition becomes pronounced when considered in the context of safeguarding significant investments. “To protect a substantial project like the Telangana secretariat, which could cost around ₹200-300 crore, allocating approximately ₹5 crore for Indrajaal is akin to safeguarding capital infrastructure. Much like fire protection for data centers, drone defense is an integral component.”

The launchpad of this transformative technology encounters a paradigm shift as it transcends limitations of conventional deployments. The emphasis is on scalability and practicality, denoting an end to standalone systems. The prevailing radar-based identification methods flounder in their ability to detect low RCS targets in proximity to the terrain. The efficacy of countermeasures hinges upon their agility in identifying operating frequencies.

Grene Robotics’ audacious assertion rests on the shoulders of Indrajaal’s ability to fortify expansive defense bases, critical zones like the National Capital Region (NCR), international borders, and even during high-profile events. From UAV threats to low RCS munitions, smart weaponry, and swarming drones, Indrajaal’s architectural prowess eclipses conventional barriers.

Wing Commander Sai Mallela underlines the profound advantage of employing a single decision center across extensive areas, facilitating seamless operational command and control. The commitment to indigenous innovation becomes a hallmark of this achievement, underpinning a pioneering stride towards fortified security.


This monumental achievement by Grene Robotics signifies a transformative leap in anti-drone technology. Indrajaal’s AI-powered defense mechanism, with its multi-layered approach, redefines the landscape of security solutions. The escalating drone threats across sectors necessitate proactive measures, and Indrajaal’s comprehensive capabilities position it as a game-changer. This innovation sets a new standard for safeguarding critical installations and projects, reflecting the potential for disruptive impact in the security solutions market.
