Humane Previews AI-powered Wearable Device


  • Imran Chaudhri, former Apple employee and founder of Humane, presented a preview of the company’s AI-powered wearable device at a TED conference.
  • The device operates without a traditional screen or connection to a nearby cell phone, using voice and gesture-based inputs to project information onto nearby objects.
  • During the TED talk, Chaudhri demonstrated the device’s capabilities through voice translation and answering a phone call with projected information.
  • Humane has already raised $230 million in funding, with investment from companies such as Microsoft, Qualcomm Ventures, and OpenAI.
  • More information about the device will be released in the coming months.

Main AI News:

At the TED conference on Thursday, Imran Chaudhri, former Apple employee and founder of Humane, presented a tantalizing preview of the company’s cutting-edge AI-powered wearable device. This innovative technology marks a major step forward in the world of wearables, as it operates without the need for a traditional screen or connection to a nearby cell phone.

Through a combination of voice and gesture-based inputs, the wearable projects information onto nearby objects, offering a new level of convenience and accessibility. During his TED talk, Chaudhri demonstrated the device’s capabilities by translating his voice into French and answering a phone call, with the call information appearing as a green image projected onto his hand.

As the CEO of a startup that has already raised a substantial $230 million in funding, Chaudhri is confident in the potential of his company’s technology. With investment from high-profile companies such as Microsoft, Qualcomm Ventures, and OpenAI, it’s clear that the industry is taking notice of Humane’s game-changing wearable. Chaudhri promises that more information about the device will be released in the coming months, making this a story to watch for anyone interested in the future of wearable technology.


The preview of Humane’s AI-powered wearable device at the TED conference is a significant development in the wearable technology market. The device’s unique combination of voice and gesture-based inputs, as well as its ability to project information onto nearby objects, sets it apart from traditional wearables.

The company’s successful funding and partnerships with major industry players indicate a strong potential for success in the market. As we await further details about the device in the coming months, it will be interesting to observe how it could disrupt and shape the wearable technology landscape
