ImageReward is a revolutionary text-to-image model that bridges the gap between AI generative capabilities and human values


  • Generative models for generating images from text prompts have made progress, but aligning them with human preferences is challenging.
  • A research team from China presents ImageReward, a text-to-image human preference reward model.
  • ImageReward is trained on 137k pairs of expert comparisons based on real-world user prompts and model outputs.
  • The authors used a graph-based algorithm and recruited annotators to ensure consensus in ratings and rankings of generated images.
  • Common problems in generated images include body issues and repeated generation.
  • Proper function phrases in prompts improve text-image alignment.
  • ImageReward outperforms other models in terms of preference accuracy, image fidelity, and maximizing differences between superior and inferior images.
  • The model is trained on over 136,000 pairs of image comparisons and compared using preference accuracy, recall, and filter scores.
  • ImageReward shows potential as an evaluation metric for generative models.
  • The authors plan to refine the annotation process, expand the model to cover more categories and explore reinforcement learning for further advancements.

Main AI News:

A novel solution to the challenges of generating images from text prompts has been presented by a research team from China. Despite significant progress in generative models, aligning them with human preferences remains a primary challenge due to distributional differences between pre-training and user-prompt distributions, leading to known issues with generated images. This article explores how ImageReward, the first general-purpose text-to-image human preference reward model, can address these challenges.

The creation of ImageReward involved training it on 137k pairs of expert comparisons derived from real-world user prompts and model outputs. A graph-based algorithm was employed to select diverse prompts, and annotators were provided with a comprehensive system for prompt annotation, text-image rating, and image ranking. Annotators with college-level education were recruited to ensure consensus in the assessment of generated images.

The authors conducted an analysis of the text-to-image model’s performance on various prompts, identifying common issues such as body problems and repeated generation in the generated images. They also examined the impact of “function” words in prompts and discovered that appropriate function phrases enhance the alignment between text and images. The experimental phase focused on training ImageReward as a preference model for generated images, utilizing annotations to capture human preferences. Optimal hyperparameters were determined through a grid search using a validation set.

During the experiment, ImageReward was trained on a dataset comprising over 136,000 pairs of image comparisons. Its performance was compared to other models based on preference accuracy, recall, and filter scores. Notably, ImageReward outperformed alternative models, achieving a preference accuracy of 65.14%. The paper also includes an analysis of the agreement between annotators, researchers, annotator ensemble, and models. Image fidelity, a more intricate measure than aesthetics, was found to be better optimized by ImageReward, emphasizing the significant differences between superior and inferior images.

In summary, ImageReward effectively tackles the challenges associated with generative models by aligning them with human values. The conducted experiments demonstrated its superiority over existing methods, positioning it as an excellent evaluation metric. The authors plan to refine the annotation process, expand the model’s coverage of categories, and explore reinforcement learning to further push the boundaries of text-to-image synthesis. The potential applications of this research are substantial, with ImageReward serving as a valuable tool for the creative industries and beyond.


The introduction of ImageReward, a text-to-image human preference reward model, signifies a significant advancement in the market of generative models for image synthesis. With its ability to align generated images with human preferences, ImageReward offers valuable potential for various industries, including creative fields, marketing, and advertising.

The superior performance of ImageReward in terms of preference accuracy, image fidelity, and maximizing differences between images positions it as a strong evaluation metric for generative models. As this technology continues to evolve and refine, businesses can leverage ImageReward to create more visually appealing and appealing content that resonates with human preferences, leading to improved customer engagement and satisfaction.
