Indian IT services firm making ‘significant’ investments in artificial intelligence: Interview with Wipro CEO Thierry Delaporte


  • Indian IT services firm Wipro is making “significant” investments in artificial intelligence.
  • Thierry Delaporte, CEO of Wipro, expresses strong optimism and bullishness about artificial intelligence.
  • The interview provides insights into Wipro’s AI strategy and its focus on leveraging AI for innovation and growth in the industry.

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In this interview, Thierry Delaporte, CEO of Wipro, talks about the significant investments that their company is making in artificial intelligence. He also mentions that he is very optimistic about the potential of AI and its role in shaping the future of the industry. The interview provides insights into Wipro’s AI strategy and how the company is leveraging this technology to drive innovation and growth.


Wipro’s significant investments in artificial intelligence indicate a strong commitment to harnessing the potential of this technology in the market. Thierry Delaporte’s bullishness further suggests a positive outlook on the role of AI in transforming the industry.

This strategic focus positions Wipro as a competitive player, poised to capitalize on the advancements and opportunities that AI brings to the market. The company’s emphasis on innovation and growth through AI showcases its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and meeting the evolving needs of clients
