Innovating CRM:’s AI-Powered Revolution in Customer Relationship Management

  • Christopher O’Donnell, ex-HubSpot executive, launches, an AI-powered CRM.
  • learns autonomously from interactions like conversations and emails.
  • O’Donnell’s experience at HubSpot, including creating their popular CRM, informs’s development.
  • Co-founder Michael Pici, also from HubSpot, enhances’s sales and product strategy.
  • secures $4M seed funding led by Sequoia for further development.
  • Currently in invite-only beta, aims to render traditional CRMs obsolete with its proactive data management.

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Christopher O’Donnell, formerly of HubSpot, has launched, an AI-powered CRM set to revolutionize customer relationship management. Unlike traditional CRMs reliant on manual data entry, autonomously learns from interactions—conversations,Day.ais, and public records like LinkedIn—seamlessly managing data without user intervention.

O’Donnell’s expertise in CRM development, honed during his tenure at HubSpot where he spearheaded the creation of their renowned CRM, positions him uniquely for this venture. After over a decade at HubSpot, driving innovations in marketing automation and CRM tools, O’Donnell sought new challenges. He briefly engaged with Arianna Huffington’s Thrive and co-founded ProfitWell, which sold to Paddle for $200 million in 2022. Yet, it was the advent of new AI technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT that reignited his passion for software development.

Teaming up with Michael Pici, formerly VP of sales and product at HubSpot, O’Donnell embarked on in mid-2023. Their vision: harnessing generative AI to create a CRM that not only stores data but also learns and provides insights proactively. “Day builds all this information behind the scenes,” O’Donnell explains. “You just ask it a question, and it comes back with the answers.”

This innovation comes supported by a $4 million seed round led by Sequoia, announced recently. Despite currently being available in an invite-only beta, O’Donnell and Pici envision disrupting the CRM market fundamentally. Their goal is to render traditional CRMs obsolete through’s autonomous learning and user-friendly interface.

Looking ahead, O’Donnell affirms their lean team’s focus on product development and customer satisfaction. “It’s about the joy of starting over,” he notes, highlighting their commitment to innovation over extensive funding rounds. With a minimalist approach—O’Donnell pays himself minimum wage—the team prioritizes the excitement of pioneering a new era in CRM technology.


The launch of marks a significant advancement in CRM technology, leveraging AI to automate data management and insights generation. With a strong foundation from industry veterans and substantial initial funding, has the potential to reshape the CRM market by offering a more intuitive and efficient solution that reduces reliance on manual input and enhances user experience.
