Innovative AI Model Enhances Efficiency in Data-Scarce Applications

  • A*STAR researchers developed a new AI model for fields with limited data and computing power.
  • Traditional large language models like GPT struggle in data-scarce environments.
  • The new model uses a collaborative knowledge infusion method for more efficient training.
  • It is particularly effective for stance detection in specialized fields like politics and product reviews.
  • The model tackles the problem of outdated data and ensures continuous learning with minimal trainable parameters.
  • Tested against three stance-detection datasets, the model achieved high F1 scores, outperforming others.
  • This AI model addresses the gap in AI applications for low-resource scenarios, enhancing practicality in research and specialized fields.

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Researchers from the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore have introduced an innovative model to overcome the challenges faced by AI applications in fields like research and medicine, where training data and computing power are often limited. Unlike large pre-trained language models (PLMs), such as GPT, which depend on vast datasets like Wikipedia to enhance machine learning (ML) performance, the new model is designed to function effectively even with smaller data sets and fewer computational resources.

The research team developed a collaborative knowledge infusion method that trains ML models more efficiently in data-scarce environments. This approach is particularly beneficial for stance detection, a task essential for evaluating opinions on specific topics, such as political candidates or products, based on social media posts and reviews. Their findings were published in Big Data Mining and Analytics on August 28.

Stance detection poses significant challenges due to the limited availability of annotated data and the diversity of targets. Despite these difficulties, it is a critical tool for monitoring social media, conducting polls, and influencing governance strategies. The new model addresses this by incorporating mechanisms that allow AI to verify information from multiple sources and learn selective features more effectively.

Errors in smaller datasets can significantly impact AI performance. For example, a model trained on Wikipedia might confuse the phrase “breaking the law” as a reference to a heavy metal song rather than its true meaning of engaging in illegal activities. Such inaccuracies can reduce the effectiveness of AI in low-resource applications.

The team’s model also tackles the issue of pre-trained models needing to be updated. By integrating verified knowledge from multiple sources, the new system ensures that AI models remain relevant and effective over time. It further enhances training efficiency using a collaborative adaptor, which requires fewer trainable parameters while improving feature learning capabilities. Additionally, the model improves the optimization process by employing a staged algorithm, making it more efficient in low-resource environments.

The new model was tested using three publicly available stance-detection datasets—VAST, P-Stance, and COVID-19-Stance—and consistently outperformed other AI models, such as TAN, BERT, and WS-BERT-Dual. With F1 scores ranging from 79.6% to 86.91%, the model surpassed the 70% threshold, suitable for machine learning accuracy.

This development significantly enhances the practicality of AI for specialized research settings and offers a template for further optimization in low-resource environments. By focusing on efficient learning techniques, the new model provides a solution for improving AI tools in real-world applications where large datasets are unavailable.

The research, also involving Ivor W. Tsang from the Centre for Frontier AI Research (CFAR) and the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) at A*STAR, focuses on developing more efficient AI models that support both the public and research communities. It distinguishes itself from the efforts of major AI companies working toward general artificial intelligence (AGI).


This breakthrough model for data-scarce AI applications has significant market implications, especially for industries reliant on niche datasets like healthcare, social media analysis, and specialized research. This innovation opens up opportunities for smaller firms and research institutions that lack access to vast training data or advanced computational resources by providing a solution that overcomes the limitations of traditional large language models. Companies that integrate these more efficient AI methods into their operations will gain a competitive edge, leveraging precise and relevant AI-driven insights without massive infrastructure. This development could democratize AI usage, expanding its benefits beyond major tech firms and into sectors requiring tailored cost-effective solutions.
