Introducing Galileo, The World’s First AI-Powered Expert Assistant for HR


  • Galileo™ is introduced as the world’s first AI-powered expert assistant for HR professionals.
  • The Josh Bersin Company has consolidated 25 years of HR research into a Generative AI platform.
  • Galileo™ provides users with access to comprehensive, trusted, and promotion-free HR information.
  • Users can ask questions, compare vendors, and generate RFP templates and implementation plans.
  • Galileo™ offers answers, guidance, case studies, benchmarks, and access to extensive research resources.
  • The platform includes over 50 predefined “prompts” to simplify complex HR problem-solving.
  • Users can customize Galileo™ with their own HR policies and data in a secure, private workspace.
  • The partnership with Sana allows for the creation of tailored AI assistants for specific HR disciplines.
  • General availability for Galileo™ is expected in early 2024.

Main AI News:

Human Resources (HR) professionals are the unsung heroes of the corporate world. They are responsible for managing a myriad of functions, from recruiting and employee development to diversity initiatives and hybrid work arrangements. With over 30 million HR professionals worldwide, each wielding more than 250 job roles and leveraging over 400 skills, their role is complex and ever-evolving. To navigate this complex landscape, they also need to select and implement various technologies and tools to support their organizations’ growth.

The Josh Bersin Company, with its 25 years of research and thousands of interviews with companies and vendors, has built a trusted library of best practices, vendor information, benchmarks, case studies, and professional development tools for HR professionals. Last Spring, the company embarked on a transformative project to consolidate this wealth of knowledge into a Generative AI platform, creating what they refer to as an “HR Copilot.” The result is nothing short of astonishing: an innovative new experience that allows users to ask questions, compare vendors, explore solutions, and generate implementation plans and RFP templates, among other features.

Today, The Josh Bersin Company is thrilled to introduce Galileo™, the world’s first AI-powered expert assistant designed exclusively for HR professionals. Much like Galileo Galilei mapped the heavens to explain the universe, Galileo™ empowers HR teams to understand, learn, and seek out best practices across every facet of HR. Powered by Sana’s AI platform, Galileo™ grants users unrestricted access to The Josh Bersin Company’s comprehensive research, articles, and tools. Unlike internet-based AI tools, Galileo is entirely free of promotional material, offering users trusted, detailed, and verifiably accurate information.

Galileo™ has been meticulously designed to serve as the HR professional’s ever-present resource for learning, questioning, and problem-solving. It can answer inquiries on hundreds of HR-related topics, provide in-depth vendor and HR technology information, assist in drafting RFPs and implementation plans, and furnish users with guidance, case studies, and benchmarks. All of The Josh Bersin Company’s research resources are instantly accessible, including in-depth reports, podcasts, articles, and courses. This includes access to their maturity models, frameworks, case studies, and their new definition of terms, The Josh Bersin Company Lexicon™.

Galileo™ promises to revolutionize how HR professionals perform their roles. No longer will they need to rely on guesswork when developing new programs or understanding vendors; accurate information is readily available at their fingertips.

Galileo Is More Than Just an Assistant; It’s a Learning, Design, and Problem-Solving Tool

Many HR challenges are intricate, but Galileo simplifies problem-solving by offering a library of over 50 pre-defined “prompts.” These prompts cover a wide range of topics, from hiring and onboarding to performance management, training, and multidisciplinary subjects like building a skills taxonomy, implementing pay equity, workforce planning, or designing a capability academy. These prompts are interconnected, meaning that as you ask a question, Galileo will guide you through a path to learn, explore, and assist you further in your inquiry.

Enterprise-Ready: Galileo Is Your Company’s Expert Assistant

However, Galileo’s capabilities extend beyond its pre-built knowledge base. Users and teams have the ability to add their own HR policies and internal information into the system. Thanks to Sana’s architecture, Galileo allows for customization, effectively transforming it into your company’s in-house HR and employee assistant. This private workspace ensures the security and privacy of your data, as Galileo is an enterprise-grade, secure platform that isolates your data from others. This customization is made possible by The Josh Bersin Company’s extensive research, pre-training, and partnership with Sana.

The Future of HR: Customized AI Assistants

Josh Bersin, CEO, and Founder of The Josh Bersin Company, sees this as just the beginning of a paradigm shift. “This paradigm-shattering offering will change the way companies run their HR organizations and manage their people, enabling any professional to operate like a world-class expert in a short period of time. Galileo is a supportive, developmental assistant, ready to give users detailed answers, real-world examples, and guidance at any time.”

Initially, Galileo will be available to corporate members, with plans to roll out a version for members of The Josh Bersin Academy next year. The company expresses its gratitude to Sana for their partnership and looks forward to rapidly evolving Galileo in the coming months. If you’re interested in experiencing Galileo, you can sign up for the waitlist, with general availability expected in early 2024.


Galileo™ marks a significant leap forward in empowering HR professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. This innovative AI-powered expert assistant promises to revolutionize HR management, making it easier and more efficient for HR teams to navigate the ever-changing landscape of human resources. With Galileo™, the future of HR is here, and it’s brighter than ever.
