Introducing MMMU: Setting a New Standard for Expert-Level Multimodal Challenges in the Pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence


  • MMMU introduces a groundbreaking benchmark for AI, demanding expert-level knowledge and reasoning.
  • It encompasses diverse college-level problems and incorporates varied image formats.
  • Developed by researchers from esteemed organizations, it sets a new standard for AI evaluation.
  • MMMU underscores the importance of enriching training datasets for specialized fields.
  • Current AI models face substantial challenges on MMMU, indicating room for improvement.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of AI advancements, the emergence of multimodal pre-training models has reshaped the possibilities of AI applications. Models like LXMERT, UNITER, VinVL, Oscar, VilBert, and VLP have paved the way, demonstrating their prowess across a spectrum of tasks. Meanwhile, FLAN-T5, Vicuna, LLaVA, and others have bolstered the AI community’s ability to follow complex instructions effectively. Flamingo, OpenFlamingo, Otter, and MetaVL have ventured into the realm of in-context learning, expanding the horizon of AI capabilities.

Amidst this multitude of models and benchmarks, one stands out as a beacon of higher aspiration – MMMU. While benchmarks such as VQA primarily concentrate on perception-related challenges, MMMU takes a quantum leap forward by demanding nothing less than expert-level knowledge and deliberate reasoning. It tackles college-level problems, requiring a depth of understanding that surpasses conventional AI benchmarks.

What sets MMMU apart? It boasts a unique blend of features that make it a trailblazer in the AI landscape. Its comprehensive knowledge coverage spans diverse domains, its inclusion of varied image formats broadens the scope of evaluation, and it places a distinctive emphasis on subject-specific reasoning. In the realm of business and technology, where the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a prevailing goal, MMMU emerges as a litmus test for the most advanced AI models.

The brains behind MMMU are a consortium of researchers hailing from esteemed organizations, including IN.AI Research, University of Waterloo, The Ohio State University, Independent, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Victoria, and Princeton University. Their collective efforts have given rise to a benchmark that spans multiple disciplines and encapsulates college-level problems from diverse subjects.

Expert-level perception and reasoning are at the heart of MMMU, making it an uncompromising challenge for the current generation of AI models. It serves as a stark reminder of the need for benchmarks that can assess progress toward achieving Expert AGI – a realm that transcends human capabilities.

While existing standards like MMLU and AGIEval focus predominantly on text-based evaluations, MMMU brings the much-needed multimodal perspective to the forefront. Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) show promise, but they require benchmarks that demand expert-level domain knowledge, and that’s precisely where MMMU fills the void.

The MMMU benchmark is a formidable collection of 11.5K college-level problems spanning six disciplines and encompassing 30 subjects. The data collection process itself is a testament to its rigor, involving the selection of topics based on visual inputs, engagement with student annotators to craft multimodal questions and rigorous quality control measures.

Numerous AI models, ranging from Large Language Models (LLMs) to Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), are put to the test on the MMMU platform. They are evaluated in a zero-shot setting, where they are expected to provide precise answers without any fine-tuning or few-shot demonstrations.

The results, however, are humbling. Even the formidable GPT-4V achieves only 55.7% accuracy on the MMMU benchmark, underscoring the magnitude of the challenges it poses. Expert-level perception and reasoning are no small feats, and MMMU serves as a crucible for testing the mettle of LLMs and LMMs.

In-depth error analysis has shed light on the areas where these models struggle the most. Challenges in visual perception, knowledge representation, reasoning, and multimodal comprehension have been identified, offering a roadmap for further research and development.

MMMU’s commitment to covering college-level knowledge with 30 diverse image formats underscores the importance of enriching training datasets with domain-specific knowledge. This, in turn, enhances the accuracy and applicability of foundation models in specialized fields.

As the quest for Artificial General Intelligence continues, MMMU emerges as a cornerstone, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve and inspiring researchers and practitioners to strive for excellence. It beckons us to imagine a future where AI not only matches but exceeds human expertise, all while shaping the landscape of business and technology.


The introduction of MMMU marks a significant milestone in the AI landscape, pushing the boundaries of what current models can achieve. Its emphasis on expert-level knowledge and reasoning, along with its multimodal approach, signals a shift towards more comprehensive AI evaluations. For the market, this means increased demand for AI models that excel in expert-level perception and reasoning, as organizations seek to harness AI’s potential in specialized fields and complex problem-solving scenarios.
