JetBrains AI Assistant Transforms Software Development in 2023.3 Release


  • JetBrains introduces its integrated AI Assistant in the latest IDE release.
  • AI Assistant offers deep integration with JetBrains IDEs, understanding code, context, and project structure.
  • Features include AI-powered chat, refactoring suggestions, code completion, documentation creation, and smart commit messages.
  • The AI Assistant aims to prevent vendor lock-in by integrating multiple LLM providers.
  • Launched alongside JetBrains IDEs 2023.3, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, CLion, GoLand, and others.

Main AI News:

In the ever-evolving world of software development, JetBrains continues to set the bar high with its latest release of integrated development environments (IDEs) for the year. As part of its commitment to innovation, JetBrains is thrilled to announce the official launch of its integrated AI Assistant, moving it out of preview and into general availability for its valued customers.

What makes JetBrains AI Assistant stand out in the competitive landscape? It’s the deep integration with JetBrains IDEs that truly sets it apart. This sophisticated tool not only comprehends code and its context but also understands the project structure, making it a formidable addition to any developer’s toolkit.

Empowering Developers with AI-Powered Features

JetBrains AI Assistant empowers developers with a range of cutting-edge features, all driven by the power of Language Model Models (LLMs). Here’s a glimpse of what it brings to the table:

1. AI Chat for Unprecedented Assistance

Imagine having an open-ended, context-aware chat interface at your fingertips, ready to assist with your coding queries. JetBrains AI Assistant provides just that. Whether you need to understand the function of a piece of code, complete a task, or debug an issue, this chat interface has you covered. It leverages the content of your current file, along with information about the language, dependencies, and recent files, to deliver context-specific answers.

2. Intelligent Refactoring Suggestions

Refactoring has always been a crucial feature in modern IDEs, and JetBrains takes it a step further with AI Assistant. It not only suggests refactoring opportunities but also provides clear explanations for each suggestion, helping developers make informed decisions about code improvements.

3. Code Completion at Its Finest

AI Assistant’s code completion capabilities are second to none. Just like in the chat interface, it utilizes contextual information, such as the code above and below the caret, to predict and assist with your coding goals. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to efficient coding.

4. Effortless Documentation Creation

Documenting your code is a breeze with AI Assistant. You can effortlessly generate documentation for functions or entire classes. Whether you prefer manual selection or trust an AI Assistant’s intuition to identify the code units requiring documentation, it’s all at your disposal.

5. Smart Commit Message Generation

Don’t waste time crafting commit messages manually. AI Assistant analyzes the content of your commit’s diff and the surrounding context, providing you with concise and informative commit headlines. It simplifies the process and ensures your commits are well-documented.

Diversity in LLM Providers

One of the key differentiators of JetBrains AI Assistant is its commitment to freedom of choice. While it currently harnesses the “intelligence” of OpenAI, JetBrains is actively working on integrating Google Codey and Vertex AI models. This ensures that developers won’t be locked into a single LLM provider and can benefit from a variety of AI capabilities in the future.

Experience the Future with JetBrains AI Assistant

The launch of AI Assistant coincides with the release of JetBrains IDEs 2023.3, including popular tools like IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, CLion, GoLand, and more. As developers embrace this powerful assistant, they can look forward to an elevated coding experience that will shape the future of software development.


JetBrains’ AI Assistant marks a significant advancement in the software development market. Its deep integration with IDEs and powerful AI-driven features empower developers to code more efficiently and make informed decisions. The commitment to integrating multiple LLM providers ensures flexibility and choice for developers, setting a new standard for AI assistance in the industry.
