Jina AI introduces ‘jina-embeddings-v2,’ the world’s first 8K open-source text embedding model


  • Jina AI introduces ‘jina-embeddings-v2’: A groundbreaking 8K open-source text embedding model.
  • It competes head-to-head with OpenAI’s ‘text-embedding-ada-002’ in terms of capabilities and performance.
  • Outperforms OpenAI’s 8K model across key metrics, including Classification Average, Reranking Average, Retrieval Average, and Summarization Average.
  • Revolutionizes applications such as legal document analysis, medical research, literary analysis, financial forecasting, and conversational AI.
  • Dr. Han Xiao, CEO of Jina AI, emphasizes democratizing AI and competing with industry leaders.
  • Planned academic paper release to delve deeper into technical intricacies and benchmarks.
  • Development of an embedding API platform similar to OpenAI for scalability.
  • Expansion into multilingual embeddings, introducing German-English models.
  • Offers Base Model for high accuracy and Small Model for mobile and resource-efficient applications.

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In a groundbreaking development, Jina AI has introduced its cutting-edge second-generation text embedding model, ‘jina-embeddings-v2.’ This state-of-the-art model has set a new standard as the world’s first 8K (8192 tokens) open-source text embedding solution. Notably, this accomplishment places it on par with OpenAI’s proprietary model, ‘text-embedding-ada-002,’ in terms of both capabilities and performance, as evidenced by its impressive standing on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) leaderboard.

Jina-embeddings-v2 represents a significant leap forward in the realm of open-source text embedding models, challenging established proprietary counterparts in terms of capacity and benchmark performance. It surpasses OpenAI’s 8K model, jina-embeddings-v2, by delivering superior performance across key metrics, including Classification Average, Reranking Average, Retrieval Average, and Summarization Average.

According to the researchers, Jina-embeddings-v2 has ushered in a new era of possibilities across diverse applications. In the domain of legal document analysis, it excels in capturing and analyzing intricate details within extensive legal texts. For the field of medical research, the model seamlessly embeds scientific papers, facilitating comprehensive analytics and catalyzing groundbreaking discoveries. Literary analysis delves deep into long-form content, capturing thematic elements to provide a deeper understanding.

Moreover, in the realm of financial forecasting, it empowers users to extract superior insights from detailed financial reports, thereby enhancing decision-making processes. In the arena of conversational AI, Jina Embeddings V2 significantly enhances chatbot responses to intricate user queries. With its versatility and formidable capabilities, Jina Embeddings V2 stands at the forefront of transforming how we approach and glean insights from complex datasets across various domains.

Comprehensive tests have demonstrated that this context-enabled jina-embeddings-v2 outperforms other leading base embedding models, highlighting the tangible advantages of its extended context capabilities.

Dr. Han Xiao, the CEO of Jina AI, shared his reflections on the journey and the profound significance of this milestone. He emphasized that the achievement of launching Jina-embeddings-v2 is nothing short of remarkable. It reflects Jina AI’s mission to democratize AI by providing tools that were once confined to exclusive ecosystems, making significant strides towards this goal today.

The researchers have also announced their plans to publish an academic paper, providing in-depth technical insights and benchmarks for Jina-embeddings-v2. This will offer the AI community an opportunity to explore the model’s capabilities more comprehensively. Additionally, the team is actively developing an embedding API platform akin to OpenAI, ensuring seamless scalability of the embedding model tailored to users’ requirements. Furthermore, Jina AI is expanding its linguistic capabilities by venturing into multilingual embeddings, with plans to introduce German-English models. This strategic expansion aims to bolster their portfolio and solidify their position as frontrunners in AI innovation.

For interested users, the model is readily available for free download on Hugging Face. The Base Model, optimized for demanding tasks that demand high accuracy, finds applications in fields such as academic research or business analytics. In contrast, the Small Model, with a compact size of 0.07G, is tailored for lighter tasks, making it ideal for applications on mobile apps or devices with limited computing resources. Recognizing the diverse needs of the AI community, Jina AI presents these two distinct model options, enabling users to select the one that aligns best with their computational requirements and application preferences.


Jina AI’s jina-embeddings-v2 represents a significant advancement in open-source text embedding models. Its capabilities and performance put it on par with industry leaders, offering diverse applications and scalability. This innovation underscores the growing competitiveness and democratization of AI in the market, providing users with powerful tools for various domains.
