Kanfit Elevates Production Efficiency and Meets Growth Goals with Plataine’s AI-Driven Production Scheduling Solution


  • Kanfit, a leader in Aerospace & Defense manufacturing, adopted Plataine’s Production Scheduler to enhance factory efficiency.
  • Challenges included reliance on Excel spreadsheets, limited visibility, and inefficient resource utilization.
  • Plataine’s AI Practimum-OptimumTM algorithm optimized production scheduling and provided real-time adaptability.
  • Results included 30% increased throughput, 5% improved due date compliance, and enhanced operational agility.
  • The Production Scheduler streamlined operations, freeing up planners for strategic growth objectives.
  • Kanfit’s successful implementation highlights the transformative impact of AI in manufacturing.

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In the fast-paced world of Aerospace & Defense manufacturing, Kanfit has emerged as a leader in delivering high-quality parts and assemblies. Their dedication to innovation and precision has earned them a stellar reputation. However, like many industry players, Kanfit faced challenges that hindered its ability to meet the demands of a booming market.

Kanfit’s reliance on manual methods, particularly Excel spreadsheets, for production planning was holding them back. This outdated approach led to limited visibility, inefficiencies, and underutilized resources across their operations. The company found itself at a crossroads, especially as it grappled with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To overcome these hurdles and chart a path toward sustainable growth, Kanfit turned to Plataine, a renowned provider of Industrial IoT (IIoT) and AI-based optimization solutions. Plataine’s Production Scheduler, fueled by the cutting-edge AI Practimum-OptimumTM algorithm, was the answer Kanfit needed.

This innovative solution revolutionized Kanfit’s manufacturing operations. With a single click, the Production Scheduler generated an optimal schedule aligned with Kanfit’s production KPIs. Furthermore, it possessed the agility to adapt in real-time to unexpected events on the factory floor, ensuring seamless production and efficiency.

During the initial implementation phase, Kanfit experienced remarkable results. The company achieved 100% visibility into the production process, a 15% increase in throughput, and a subsequent stabilization at an impressive 30% increase. All of this was accomplished without the need for additional investments in machinery, personnel, or extended working hours. Notably, due date compliance also saw a 5% boost, underscoring Kanfit’s commitment to on-time deliveries.

Beyond these immediate gains, the Production Scheduler captured Kanfit’s organizational knowledge and best practices, liberating planners from mundane tasks and allowing them to focus on strategic growth objectives.

Shachar Fine, EVP Business Development at Kanfit, emphasized the transformative impact of Plataine’s solution: “Plataine’s Production Scheduler isn’t just a software solution; it’s become an integral part of our daily operations at Kanfit. The Coronavirus hit us hard. Plataine’s solution has enabled us to close the gap and recover quickly. We see a significant improvement in meeting our production targets. We’ve seen an increase in our due date compliance by 5% — a considerable milestone in Kanfit’s goal to achieve operational excellence, future growth and innovation, especially during times of supply chain and workforce challenges.”

Avner Ben-Bassat, President & CEO of Plataine, echoed this sentiment: “I am very excited to see how Plataine’s Production Scheduler has transformed Kanfit’s production processes, delivering tangible value and efficiency improvements beyond our expectations. Advanced manufacturers are trying to address several industry challenges in parallel, and I’m delighted that Plataine delivers a collaborative solution, helping Kanfit address both supply chain challenges and experienced workforce shortages, allowing a quick ramp-up in manufacturing. More and more advanced manufacturers understand they cannot rely on Excel for planning and scheduling of complex operations.”


Kanfit’s adoption of Plataine’s AI-driven Production Scheduler signifies a pivotal shift toward efficiency and competitiveness in the Aerospace & Defense manufacturing market. This success story underscores the growing importance of AI-powered solutions in addressing industry challenges, improving production outcomes, and enabling companies to meet their growth aspirations with confidence.
