Law Bot Pro: A Free Legal AI App Developed by a Law Student


  • Law Bot Pro is a free legal AI app developed by a law student
  • It provides 24/7 access to the legal information in a user-friendly and understandable format
  • The app’s key feature is its intelligent chatbot that answers legal questions in plain language
  • Law Bot Pro aims to democratize legal knowledge and reduce the burden on lawyers
  • However, the app has its limitations, and users may still need to consult with a lawyer for legal matters
  • The goal is to make citizens smarter and more educated about their legal rights and laws
  • All data is continuously monitored to achieve the highest accuracy
  • Law Bot Pro is an exciting development that has the potential to improve access to justice for all.

Main AI News:

As the complexities of legal issues continue to increase, obtaining accurate and understandable legal information can be a daunting task for many individuals. However, a revolutionary new app called Law Bot Pro aims to change this by providing 24/7 access to the legal information in a user-friendly and understandable format.

Developed by Mandaar Mukesh Giri, a final year law student at VIPS, GGSIPU, Law Bot Pro offers a comprehensive platform for obtaining legal information. The app’s key feature is its intelligent chatbot, which is programmed to answer legal questions in plain language, making it easier for users to understand the complexities of the law.

Giri’s primary goal was to create an app that would benefit everyone, regardless of their level of legal knowledge. “I wanted to focus on spreading legal knowledge and informative aid to citizens who do not know much about law and cannot decipher the complex legal language,” says Giri.

To ensure that the app is accessible to users of varying legal knowledge levels, Giri collaborated with his sister Mohini Giri, a lawyer in India who holds a Master in Law in Criminal Law from NY, USA. Mohini helped to calibrate the legal prompts and ensure that the app provided clear and concise answers to user queries.

Law Bot Pro also utilizes web search technology, available only in the paid version of ChatGPT, to provide higher accuracy for direct questions. Additionally, the app features proprietary formatting that provides a fuller answer to the user, solving their query in a matter of seconds while providing all the necessary and important information.

While the current version of Law Bot Pro is primarily designed for narrative queries, Giri plans to offer a variety of resources, including case laws, statutes, regulations, and legal articles, among others, for professionals in future versions.

Law Bot Pro, the innovative legal information app developed by law student Mandaar Mukesh Giri, has the potential to revolutionize the legal landscape. By providing 24/7 access to legal information in an easy-to-understand format, the app has the potential to democratize legal knowledge and empower individuals to make informed decisions.

One of the key benefits of Law Bot Pro is its ability to reduce the burden on lawyers and legal professionals, who may have to spend a significant amount of time providing basic legal information to clients. This not only saves time and resources for legal professionals but also enables them to focus on complex cases that require more nuanced legal advice.

However, it is important to note that the app has its limitations. While the chatbot is programmed to answer questions in plain language and provide clear and concise answers, it may not be able to provide nuanced legal advice in complex cases. Users will still need to consult with a lawyer for legal matters.

Giri himself emphasizes that Law Bot Pro is not a replacement for lawyers or legal professionals. Instead, it is a tool that can complement their work and help individuals better understand their legal rights and obligations. The goal of Law Bot Pro is to make citizens smarter and more educated about their rights and the laws of the country before they approach a lawyer.

To achieve the highest accuracy, all data is continuously being monitored by Giri and Company, a law firm based in New Delhi, India, so that the AI learns from corrected answers and gives specific answers to queries.

Overall, Law Bot Pro is an exciting development that deserves attention and support from all stakeholders in the legal industry. By making legal information more accessible and understandable, it has the potential to empower individuals and improve access to justice for all. As the app continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how it shapes the legal landscape and impacts the work of legal professionals.


The development of Law Bot Pro has significant implications for the legal industry. By providing easy and accessible legal information, the app has the potential to empower individuals and reduce the burden on legal professionals. This innovation is likely to increase competition in the legal industry and drive the adoption of similar technologies, which can ultimately improve access to justice for all. As a result, law firms and legal professionals should consider integrating AI technologies into their practice to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.
